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On my site, I have an area where users (logged in) can comment on stuff (pictures, etc).


I was just wondering is it considered to be good practice to allow users that have not created an account to post comments?


Cause I was thinking of allowing non-registered user's to post comments in certain area's, but since I cannot track them like a registered user. I was thinking of validating their comments, so their comment's won't get out of hand(langauge wise).


What do you think? This is just a thought as of now, I have not implemented anything yet. Thanks!

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It sounds like you basically have the right idea.


It's finding the correct balance between convenience for the users, and protection from unwanted comments. The more effort it takes for a new user to post, the less likely they are to post. Why not leave comments open in order to see how it goes, and if it doesn't go well, you add some conditions, like having to have posts approved.

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At the very least if you want to leave it where you have open comments then you should have a captcha. What will happen is you will have bots that will harvest for open text fields like this and post spam. If you have atleast a captcha it will insure it is humans. It is not 100%, but it will cut down on pretty much a lot of the unwanted comments.

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