mallen Posted August 24, 2008 Share Posted August 24, 2008 This form is not sending the email. It doesn't give any error. If you miss a field it will tellyou. But if you fill them out it still says The following required fields have not been filled in: Is there any missing here? I know I had this form and others working for a client and maybe something got changed. // process the email if (array_key_exists('send', $_POST)) { $to = '[email protected]'; // use your own email address $subject = 'Register'; // list expected fields $expected = array('firstname','lastname','email','company','address','city','state','zipcode','country','phone', 'cellphone','fax','status','password','interests'); // set required fields $required = array('firstname','lastname','email'); // create empty array for any missing fields $missing = array(); // assume that there is nothing suspect $suspect = false; // create a pattern to locate suspect phrases $pattern = '/Content-Type:|Bcc:|Cc:/i'; // function to check for suspect phrases function isSuspect($val, $pattern, &$suspect) { // if the variable is an array, loop through each element // and pass it recursively back to the same function if (is_array($val)) { foreach ($val as $item) { isSuspect($item, $pattern, $suspect); } } else { // if one of the suspect phrases is found, set Boolean to true if (preg_match($pattern, $val)) { $suspect = true; } } } // check the $_POST array and any sub-arrays for suspect content isSuspect($_POST, $pattern, $suspect); if ($suspect) { $mailSent = false; unset($missing); } else { // process the $_POST variables foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { // assign to temporary variable and strip whitespace if not an array $temp = is_array($value) ? $value : trim($value); // if empty and required, add to $missing array if (empty($temp) && in_array($key, $required)) { array_push($missing, $key); } // otherwise, assign to a variable of the same name as $key elseif (in_array($key, $expected)) { ${$key} = $temp; } } } // validate the email address if (!empty($email)) { // regex to ensure no illegal characters in email address $checkEmail = '/^[^@]+@[^\s\r\n\'";,@%]+$/'; // reject the email address if it doesn't match if (!preg_match($checkEmail, $email)) { array_push($missing, 'email'); } } // go ahead only if not suspect and all required fields OK if (!$suspect && empty($missing)) { // set default values for variables that might not exist $subscribe = isset($subscribe) ? $subscribe : 'Nothing selected'; $interests = isset($interests) ? $interests : array('None selected'); $characteristics = isset($characteristics) ? $characteristics : array('None selected'); // build the message $message = "First Name: $firstname\n\n"; $message .= "Last Name: $lastname\n\n"; $message .= "Email: $email\n\n"; $message .= "Company: $company\n\n"; $message .= "Address: $address\n\n"; $message .= "City: $city\n\n"; $message .= "State/Providence: $state\n\n"; $message .= "Zipcode: $zipcode\n\n"; $message .= "Country: $country\n\n"; $message .= "Phone: $phone\n\n"; $message .= "Cell Phone: $cellphone\n\n"; $message .= "Fax: $fax\n\n"; $message .= 'Interests: '.implode(', ', $interests)."\n\n"; // limit line length to 70 characters $message = wordwrap($message, 70); // create additional headers $additionalHeaders = 'From: [email protected]>'; if (!empty($email)) { $additionalHeaders .= "\r\nReply-To: $email"; } // send it $mailSent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $additionalHeaders); if ($mailSent) { // $missing is no longer needed if the email is sent, so unset it unset($missing); //$query = "INSERT INTO members (id, firstname, email) //VALUES (0,'{$_POST['firstname']}','{$_POST['email']}')"; $query = "INSERT INTO members (id, firstname, lastname, email, company, address, city, state, zipcode, country, phone, cellphone, fax, status, password) VALUES (0,'{$_POST['firstname']}','{$_POST['lastname']}','{$_POST['email']}','{$_POST['company']}','{$_POST['address']}','{$_POST['city']}','{$_POST['state']}','{$_POST['zipcode']}','{$_POST['country']}','{$_POST['phone']}','{$_POST['cellphone']}','{$_POST['fax']}','{$_POST['status']}','{$_POST['password']}')"; if (@mysql_query ($query)) { print ''; } else { print "<p>Could not enter data becuase: <b>" . mysql_error() ."</b>. The query was $query.</p>"; } mysql_close(); } } } ?> <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo '<p>The following required fields have not been filled in:</p>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach($missing as $item) { echo "<li>$item</li>"; } echo '</ul>'; } elseif ($_POST && $mailSent) { echo '<p><strong>Your message has been sent. Thank you for your feedback.</strong></p>'; } ?> <form id="feedback" method="post" action=""> <table border="0"> <tr> <td height="35" colspan="2" class="subheader">Register Form</td> <td height="25"> </td> <td height="25"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="25"> </td> <td height="35"> </td> <td height="25"> </td> <td height="25"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="98" height="25"> <label for="firstname">First Name: </label></td> <td width="195" height="35"><input name="firstname" id="firstname" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['firstname']).'"';} ?>/> </td> <td width="72" height="25"><label for="lastname">Last Name:</label></td> <td width="247" height="25"><input name="lastname" id="lastname" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['lastname']).'"';} ?>/></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="35"> <label for="Email">Email:</label></td> <td height="10"> <input name="email" id="email" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['email']).'"';} ?>/></td> <td height="10"><label for="company">Company: </label></td> <td height="10"> <input name="company" id="company" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['company']).'"';} ?>/></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="35"><label for="address">Address: </label></td> <td> <input name="address" id="address" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['address']).'"';} ?>/></td> <td> <label for="city">City:</label> </td> <td> <input name="city" id="city" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['city']).'"';} ?>/></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="35"><label for="state">State / Providence: </label></td> <td> <input name="state" id="state" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['state']).'"';} ?>/></td> <td> <label for="zipcode">Zip code:</label></td> <td> <input name="zipcode" id="zipcode" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['zipcode']).'"';} ?>/></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="35"><label for="country">Country:</label></td> <td> <input name="country" id="country" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['country']).'"';} ?>/></td> <td><label for="phone">Phone:</label></td> <td><input name="phone" id="phone" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['phone']).'"';} ?>/></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="35"><label for="cellphone">Cell Phone:</label></td> <td><input name="cellphone" id="cellphone" type="text" class="formbox"<?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['cellphone']).'"';} ?> /></td> <td><label for="fax">Fax Number:</label></td> <td><input name="fax" id="fax" type="text" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['fax']).'"';} ?>/></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="35"><label for="password">Choose Password:</label></td> <td><input name="password" id="password" type="password" class="formbox" <?php if (isset($missing)) { echo 'value="'.htmlentities($_POST['password']).'"';} ?>/> </td> <td><input type="hidden" name="status" value="1"></td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="subheader"> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="subheader">Additional Info Requested:</td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="198" valign="top"><div> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="NLP Practitioner Program" id="NLPPrac" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('NLPPractitionerProgram', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="anime">NLP Practitioner Program</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Hypnosis & NLP Intensive" id="HYPnos" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('Hypnosis & NLP Intensive', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">Hypnosis & NLP Intensive</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="NLP ChangeMastery" id="NLPChange" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('NLP ChangeMastery', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">NLP ChangeMastery ™</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Meta-Programs Mastery" id="MetaChange" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('Meta Programs Mastery', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">Meta-Programs Mastery™</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Conversational Trance" id="ConvTrance" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('Conversational Trance', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">Conversational Trance™</label> </p> </td> <td width="207" valign="top"><div> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Conversational NLP" id="ConvNLP" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('ConversationalNLP', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Conversational NLP">Conversational NLP™</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Identity Compass Training" id="IdentityCompass" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('Identity Compass Training', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">Identity Compass® Training</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Trance-Forming Identity" id="Trance" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('Trance Forming Identity', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">Trance-Forming Identity ™ </label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Identity-Coaching" id="Identity" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('IdentityCoaching', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">Identity-Coaching ™ </label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="IMNLP & Hypnosis Membership" id="IMHypMem" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('IMNLPHypnosisMembership', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">IMNLP & Hypnosis Membership</label> </p> </td> <td width="209" valign="top"><div> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="ETC WebEx Online Courses" id="ETCWebEx" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('ETC WebEx Online Courses', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="anime">ETC™ WebEx Online Courses</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="NLP Master Practitioner Program" id="NLPPrac" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('NLP Master Practitioner Program', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">NLP Master Practitioner Program</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="NLP In Hypnosis Immersion" id="NLPHyp" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('NLP In Hypnosis Immersion', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">NLP In Hypnosis Immersion</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="ExecuSkills" id="ExecSkill" <?php $OK = isset($_POST['interests']) ? true : false; if ($OK && isset($missing) && in_array('ExecuSkills', $_POST['interests'])) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> /> <label for="Hypnosis">ExecuSkills™</label> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <input name="send" id="send" type="submit" value="Send message" /> </p> </form> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mallen Posted August 25, 2008 Author Share Posted August 25, 2008 Just as I thought the script works fine. It always has. Something was not right on the clients server. Now my client's host is telling him "In the php script I should add and stipulate a “from line” or a referrer so that it doesn’t default to www user." Why would I need this? It always worked and it just stopped working. It works fine on other servers or hosts Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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