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I have a popup at the end of a quiz. It works fine in IE, but I get a debug error in IE7 and it points to this line in my js:


Also, the error is 'Invalid Argument'.

var surveyTaken;
var newWindow;

function window_onunload() {
	if(SCORM.data.get("cmi.core.lesson_status") == "passed" || SCORM.data.get("cmi.core.lesson_status") == "completed" )
		//launch the survey if its false
		if(surveyTaken == false)
			newWindow = window.open("survey.htm","Course Evaluation"); //This line!


Any idea whats going on?

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ok you were right, the window title was throwing it off. I have another question now...


The man wants me to use this code since were using an iframe:

		if(typeof parent != "undefined")
			parent.document.location.href = "survey.htm";
			document.location.href = "survery.htm";


That isnt working at the moment and I am not familiar with iframes

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Uh, first of all, that's NOT php code. Remove the PHP tags.


Also, you should give the iframe a name attribute. Something like:

<iframe name='theframe' id='theframe'></iframe>


Then use this JavaScript code:

var tehFrame = null;
if (document.all) tehFrame = frames['theframe'];
else tehFrame = document.getElementById("theframe");

if (tehFrame !== null) tehFrame.src = "survey.htm";
else window.location.href = "survey.htm";

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I know its not PHP, but using the PHP tags, you get somewhat accurate color tagging and its easier to read then the code tags.


Ok so I tried your method and still no luck. Here is my whole function:

function window_onunload() {
	if(SCORM.data.get("cmi.core.lesson_status") == "passed" || SCORM.data.get("cmi.core.lesson_status") == "completed" )
		var theFrame = null;
			theFrame = frames['lmscontentFrame'];
			theFrame = document.getElementById("lmscontentFrame");

		if(theFrame !== null)
			theFrame.src = "survey.htm";
			window.location.href = "survey.htm";


It is in an onunload function so I think this defeats the iframe thing anyway. I just need to popopen a survey when the user closes the course window. The way I was doing it before was working, but they suggest I do it this way...I have no idea why...

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