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Strip string and add numbers


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I want to strip a string of all its letters and just leave the numbers. It contains a pair of comma separated values. Then I would like to multiply one number by the other. So the following...


16cm,  2 columns


...would be stripped to...




...then multiply the remainder...


16 x 2 = 32


...so that...


$num = 32


How can I achieve this? I'm not sure if there is an expression that would do something like this.






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Blimey, thanks effigy.


How would I incorporate that into a while loop to perform the code on however many rows are returned then add the total?


Something like...


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($classified_result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

$maths = $row['bf_advert_size'];

preg_match_all('/\d+/', $maths, $matches);

echo $product = array_product($matches[0]) . '<br />';



How can I add up each total returned?



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Never mind - i've just sorted it. I've used the following...


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($classified_result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

$maths = $row['bf_advert_size'];

preg_match_all('/\d+/', $maths, $matches);

$product[] = array_product($matches[0]) . '<br />';


echo array_sum($product);


He he you just beat me to it effigy!


Thanks for your help.



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Just a quick question effigy, how can I change this to not strip out the decimal separator so I can use numbers such as 4.2 and 34.5?






He he - one more. What about if I was using fractions like 1/2, 2/3 etc.


I've tried


but it doesn't work.


Anyone have an idea?



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You want to capture both fractions and decimals?




And assuming you want to divide those numbers, you may want to do something like this



$str = '12 something 14 something else 12/3 pennies 4.6 foobars';

preg_match_all( '%\\d+(??:\\.\\d+)|(?:/\\d+))?%', $str, $matches );

eval( '$result = '.implode('*', $matches[0]).';' );

echo $result;


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You must escape / because it is also serving as the pattern delimiter.


$str = '16cm,  2 columns 1/2';
preg_match_all('%\d+(?:[\./]\d+)?%', $str, $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as &$match) {
	if (strpos($match, '/') !== FALSE) {
		list($num, $den) = explode('/', $match);
		$match = eval("return $num / $den;");
echo $product = array_product($matches[0]);

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