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Absolute/Relative URLs help


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Having a bit of an issue with absolute/relative urls. I have MAC running OS 10.5.4, Apache 2.2, PHP 5.2.5, MySQL 5.0.67 and phpMyAdmin


Things work great, it took me a while, but I finally have all of these apps running soundfully with each other and can develop nicely. I am, however, running into an issue which I would like some help with.


I will first list my vhost settings and any other pertinent information that could help this process.


Here is the document root in my http.conf file:

DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"


Here are important settings in the httpd-vhosts.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
     DocumentRoot "/Users/CDB/Sites"

#IndieViz Local Site
Listen 1001
<VirtualHost *:1001>
     DocumentRoot "/Users/CDB/Sites/indieViz/httpdocs"

<Directory /Users/CDB/Sites/indieViz/httpdocs>
     Allow from all


Ok, now on to my issue:


I access my development site listed at and in the index.php page are the following lines



<img src="/img/banner_contest_269x195.jpg" width="269" height="195" border="0">


When the page is served, it cannot find the /include/lib.php but it CAN find the /img/banner... file.


There is both an img folder and an include folder in the httpdocs dir (the ROOT dir). So, what is the reason that /include doesn't resolve to the root, but /img does? The reason I need /include to work is that this file is included on many files deep within the site structure. I really don't want to type in ../../include and ../include every time I want to include this file, so, any help would be greatly appreciated.


I hope this makes sense, if not, please ask, I will try my best to explain.


Thanks for any help,


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So, include("/include/lib.php"); and <img src=/image/file.jpg> are differect? the src=/ is not referring the the root of the current disk but the include("/include/lib/php"); is?


If that is the case, how would I go about fixing that. It doesn't make much sense, honestly, is this a php issue, why would /include/ refer to system root and not my document root? How would I go about making it refer to the document root, php.ini??


Thanks again,

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An include is executed by php on the server. Unless you specify a protocol wrapper, it operates using a file system path, where a leading slash is the root of the current disk.


A src="..." is executed by a browser and it can only operate using a URL. A leading slash in a URL causes the browser to form a url starting at the domain root.


I recommend forming an absolute file system path as follows -


include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/include/lib.php"); 

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