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This is my website, its sorta still in development but it is complete.


So far it only supports image uploading.


When a user uploads a file it compares its extension to a list of allowed extensions, then after it does that it checks its mime type, if it is allowed it will be uploaded.


I have something that displays the image, which it checks the extension and the mime type before it is outputted. I would do .htaccess but I don't know anything about it. Try to learn RewriteRules :(


The website is http://www.ng2b.com or http://www.transferget.com whichever you like best it doesn't matter.


Please post any vulnerabilities in the script and I'll be sure to patch them up asap.


This script does not currently use any kind of databases.


I'm not the best graphics designer either so sorry D:

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Vulnerability description

By this form input is possible to upload a file to the server.

This vulnerability affects /upload.php.

The impact of this vulnerability

User may upload malicious files to server.

How to fix this vulnerability

Check if the script inputs are properly validated.

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Vulnerability description

By this form input is possible to upload a file to the server.

This vulnerability affects /upload.php.

The impact of this vulnerability

User may upload malicious files to server.

How to fix this vulnerability

Check if the script inputs are properly validated.




When a user uploads a file it compares its extension to a list of allowed extensions, then after it does that it checks its mime type, if it is allowed it will be uploaded.


I have something that displays the image, which it checks the extension and the mime type before it is outputted. I would do .htaccess but I don't know anything about it. Try to learn RewriteRules :(

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GHDB: Possible server upload portal

The description for this alert is contributed by the GHDB community, it may contain inappropriate language.


Category : Sensitive Directories


The search reveals server upload portals. An attacker can use server space for his own benefit.

This vulnerability affects /upload.php.


Attack details

We found

intitle:upload inurl:upload intext:upload -forum -shop -support -w3c

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this should solve the HTTP Trace problem. hopefully you understand it more than i do :-X


Apache version: 1.3.41 (Unix) [This is my Apache, versus (below)]


I'd like to disable Trace/ Track on apache 1.3.29. Googling on how to do that turns out a lot of results like


These are different versions. Also HTTP Tracing = What?

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Trace/Track Method enabled



in a .htaccess file write:

RewriteEngine          on
# Optional debug directives
#RewriteLog             logs/mod_rewrite.log
#RewriteLogLeve       1
# Block TRACK and TRACE methods
ReWriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(TRACE|TRACK) ReWriteRule .* - [F] 





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