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[SOLVED] Select box and JS


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Well, it would really help if you gave us an idea of the data you are using. But, here's one possibility"


JS Code

<script type="text/javascript">
  function setVal(fieldID, inputValue)
    document.getElementById(fieldID).value = inputValue;



<select name="thelist" onchange="setVal('thetext', this.value);">
  <option value="One">1</option>
  <option value="Two">2</option>
  <option value="Three">3</option>
<br />
<input type="text" name="thetext" id="thetext" />

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let me explain better please ;)

i do fetch all results from a DB

i do have a select list and a textarea

the select list is in left and textarea in right


in the textarea should be echoed variable $description when i click on a item from select list

like in select list i have countrys

if i select Romania,then in the textarea it will apear a description,if i select another country,it change.

thank you for your time ;)

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And your point is??? The code I provided will do what you want. You just need to create the select list accordingly when you do the db query.


Here is a slightly modified version with the fields as you described:

<script type="text/javascript">

  function setVal(fieldID, inputValue)
    document.getElementById(fieldID).value = inputValue;



Country: <select name="thelist" onchange="setVal('thetext', this.value);">
  <option value=""><--Select a Country--></option>
  <option value="Description of Romainia">Romania</option>
  <option value="Description of United States">United States</option>
  <option value="Description of Canada">Canada</option>
<br />
Description: <input type="text" name="thetext" id="thetext" />


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cant edit the last post but i do have a question "again"  :(

how i can put in the description a value from database?


here is my current code


error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING);
require_once ( 'settings.php' );
$count = $db->RecordCount("SELECT ID FROM Items");
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Items");
while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$options .= "<option value='{$item['ID']}'>{$item['Name']}</option>";
$desc = $item['Name'];

<script type="text/javascript">

  function setVal(fieldID, inputValue)
    document.getElementById(fieldID).value = inputValue;

<select name="items" size="50" class="input" onchange="setVal('desc', this.value);">
<input type="text" name="desc" id="desc" />


how can i put $item['Name'] php variable to be shown instead of selected value

thank you very much ;)

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OK, now I'm confused.


You are using $item['Name'] as the "text" for the option and $item['ID'] as the "value" of the option. And you state you want to have $item['Name'] shown in the description field? If the user can see the 'Name" as the selected option in the select list, why is there a need to populate the same text into the description field?


You could do that by changing the function as follows:

  function setVal(fieldID, inputObj)
    selText = inputObj.options[inputObj.selectedIndex].text;
    document.getElementById(fieldID).value = selText;


And then changing the onchange call to this

onchange="setVal('desc', this);"


Is there, possibly, a description field in the database that is not included in the above code? That would change things.

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lol normal :) but if i could do that with showing name,i could easily change it to my own needs ;) the real thing is way bigger

the above code work,but i cant figure out how to put the description from another variable

i did ask how i can put name there,just to get a basic ideea,but i got what i asked lol  ;D


$desc = $item['description'];


thank you again ;)

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OK, one laast try. I think this is what you want:



  error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING);
  require_once ( 'settings.php' );
  $count = $db->RecordCount("SELECT ID FROM Items");
  $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Items");
  while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
    $options .= "<option value='{$item['ID']}'>{$item['Name']}</option>";
    $jsDescrAry .= "  dscrList[{$item['ID']}] = '{$item['DEscription']}';\n";


<script type="text/javascript">

  dscrList = new Array();
  <?php echo $jsDescrAry; ?>

  function setVal(fieldID, inputID)
    document.getElementById(fieldID).value = (dscrList[inputID] || '');




<select name="thelist" onchange="setVal('thetext', this.value);">
  <option value=""><--Select a Country--></option>
  <?php echo $options; ?>
<br />

<input type="text" name="thetext" id="thetext" />



Also, it is bad practice to use short tags, i.e. <? as it is not supported on all server by default and can be a problem if you ever nee to move to another server.

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thank you very much for your reply,dont worry about PHP,at that part im not a beginer,but not a pro.i do know about short tags and others,but i do have my own boxes.


here is what problem i have now ... weird enough it doesnt work how it should...

everything from PHP is good,but it seem a JS problem again.. sorry for beign bothersome  :(


$jsDescrAry .= "  dscrList[{$item['ID']}] = '{$item['ID']}';\n"; // this work normally it echo item ID into the box but ...


$jsDescrAry .= "  dscrList[{$item['ID']}] = '{$item['Description']}';\n"; // or another column,tryed with name also,but it work just with $item['ID'] everything else is ignored....


thank you very much

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