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Hello @ll,


I'm using these piece of code to process registration link on my website, but for some reason for one of the registrations links its not working. Is this code incorrected?


emailResponseScript:$custResponseArray['templateURL']='http://<website-name>/<folder1>/<subfolder1>/emailTemplates/<name-of-template>.html';$custResponseArray['subjectTemplate']='Confirmation <!prodInfo:name!>';$custResponseArray['fromEmailAdr']='Admin@something.com';$custResponseArray['fromEmailName']='<Example Name Coordinator>';$custResponseArray['destEmailAdrTemplate']='<!emailAdr!>';$custResponseArray['destEmailNameTemplate']='<!first!> <!last!>';$custResponseArray['showProcessMsg']='true';




I have this code setup for couple other registrations and its  working fine but not for one. Any suggestions? Thanks

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