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Geocities third-party script


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Hi guys,


i bought a script from a guy yesterday for a friend adder site... its supposed to be straight forward but it isnt working. i emailed the seller & got an auto response that he is "currently traveling"


can anyone pleaaaase help? I have 2 issues I need help fixing!



the site is www.tyrealmusic.com/index.php


i followed these instructions




1:  Create a database on your server and name it whatever you like... attach a user to that database


2:  Import xtrm_database.sql file into the database


3:  Edit the database connection info in these files,  config.php - cronjob.php



I use Geocities Pro & per their instructions the $host is mysql (not localhost) so I changed that & the front of house website appears by not the admin page which is www.tyrealmusic.com/admin_control



Im getting this error but i dont know why...

SQL query: 

SELECT label, id
FROM `__DBNAME__`.`PMA_bookmark` 
WHERE dbase = 'adder'

user = 'tyreal'
OR user = ''
ORDER BY label 
MySQL said:  

#1146 - Table '__DBNAME__.PMA_bookmark' doesn't exist 




ok thats 1 issue.. the second is..



when I try to log in with a valid myspace ID it says invalid ID & doesn't sign in :(


however when i put nothing in the login field it goes to the other pages inside which should a protected area.


You help would be greatly appreciated!!

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