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Help: Upload word document to MYSQL, print in HTML


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I've created a small upload script to upload files in MYSQL, however I'd like to be able to reprint the files (particularly word documents) in HTML.


The programmer who wrote the original script (I'm writing a new one because I can't follow his) got the the above scenario to work properly (with some errors) yet he coded in such a bizarre manner that I can't decipher it nor can I get in touch with original writer.


That being said, I know the above is possible I just can't figure out how to go about it.


I've tried searching around for the answer, but I must be using the wrong search keys because I can't come up with a solution. If someone could kindly point me in the right direction?


So far, the upload script works perfectly, it's the outputting Word Documents in HTML that I'm having trouble with.

I know he (the original programmer) used some Javascript and AJAX to achieve the results but those aren't my strong points.

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