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PHP Blocks


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Can someone please help me I've been stuck for a long time now --


I can't get it right and I dont know what its called.

I think this is some kind of PHP Block Module thing but I cant' find anything like this for a text file..

Its almost like a TPL engine but not even close to that size.. Thats all I could think it relates to.


This is what Im trying to do,


1. Text files in sit in a directory.

2. In PHP: Each textfile is put into it's own <textarea> (So it can be edited) (See my loop below)

3. In PHP: You can change the textarea and save it to the file you it applies to.


(Ignore 4 if this is too much to ask I dont care I might be able to do it)

4. Possibly a way to have a form to create new ones (It would create a blank txt file, and add a new form to the list)


End: The goal is that Im going to use the title of say, block1.txt, and do a string like ###block1.txt### and it will output the code on the main page.



This is what I have for the directory, can anyone tell me if Im close?

$path = "/block/";
$dir_handle = @opendir($path);

while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {

// This is a file name
echo "<input type='text' value='$file'>";

// How would I make this read the txt file contents?
echo "<textarea>$file</textarea>";

echo "<input type=submit value=send>";




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Here is where Im at!


I've got to figure out how to write them based on the $file name for the submit I think,


Why do I get this? (The content shows up)

Warning: file_get_contents(block1.php) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Active_Projects\X11\cms\core\admin.blocks.php on line 54


function showblocks() {

$path = "data/blocks/";
$dir_handle = @opendir($path);

echo "<h2>Edit Blocks</h2>
<form action='?action=showblocks&do=editblock' method='post'>

while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {

echo '
<input type="text" value=' . $file .'><br />
<textarea>' . file_get_contents($file) . '</textarea><br />
<input type="submit" name="'. $file .'" class="b" value="Save Block"><br /><br />';



echo "</form>";

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too much mess, I guess im going the fixed route:


I can't figure out why the forms act like twins, is there someplace i need to park the $bn variable that I missed so they don't update the different forms as the same?


function showblocks() {

function block($bn){

$name = $bn;
if (isset($_POST['$bn'])) {

$filename = "data/blocks/" . $name . ".php";
$text = $_POST['$bn'];

$fp = fopen ($filename, "w");
if ($fp) {
	fwrite ($fp, $text);
	fclose ($fp);
print '<h2>Edit: ' . $name . '</h2>';
print '
	<form name="'.$bn.'" method="post" action="?action=showblocks">
	<textarea name="'.$bn.'" cols="90" rows="30">';

include('data/blocks/' . $name . '.php');

print '</textarea></div>';
print '<input class="b" type="submit" name="sub" value="Save Changes" />';
print '</form>';

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