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'Get as PHP' with Yahoo Pipes


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Just a quick question to anyone who is familiar with Y! Pipes....I am looking to export my pipe as PHP (using the 'get pipe as..' button when you create a pipe)


However, I am not sure how to implement the file (which comes as a .run extension) into my PHP page. I was thinking that maybe I should just copy the link location, and call that. But even then I wouldn't be too sure what to do after!


Any ideas?

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it's basically just the content on the feed I have created...in text format! So it shows the headings and the content with very little html markup.


I did find one post on here related to it, but I tried to change the help that was given to the member according to my own needs but nfortunately it couldn't do it!


Here is a link to that thread: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,191123.0.html


What I tried to do was simply replace the html source shown in the code from that thread with the html source for my own pipe...I'm learning as I go with PHP and unfortunately that didn't work!!



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ok, so I have managed to get it to this point. However unfortunately this is where my PHP fails me...in terms of styling the output that I get.


Here is the code that I placed into my file:




// output=php means that the request will return serialized PHP
$request =  'http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=wO7isSpn3RGPcxwo_w6H4A&_render=php';

$response = file_get_contents($request);

if ($response === false) {
die('Request failed');

$phpobj = unserialize($response);

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';




And here is the output:




What I would like to do with this now is display only the title of the articles and then a short description of each. The title needs to be a clickable link.


I will continue to try and teach myself what I need to do to achieve this, but if anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be a massive help!



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