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Upload.php - not good with php and i'm getting syntax problems


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Hi all. I'm not great with php and I'm trying to use a simple upload.php file that I got online. it used to work fine but then i changed something and saved without watching what i was doing and I'm getting syntax errors around line 30.


Can anyone review my code and tell me where I'm going wrong?


Much appreciated.





require( "include/config.php" );

require( "include/function.php" );

require( "include/functions_upload.php" );

require( "include/settings/upload.php" );

require( "include/language/".$language."/upload.php" );

require( "include/language/".$language."/subscription.php" );

require( "include/functions_seo_name.php" );

$guest_upload = get_config( "guest_upload" );

chk_member_login( );

if ( $guest_upload != 1 && $config['enable_package'] == "yes" )


    check_subscriber_bandwidth( $_SESSION['UID'] );

    check_subscriber_space( $_SESSION['UID'] );

    check_subscriber_videos( $_SESSION['UID'] );


header( "Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" );

header( "Last-Modified: ".gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s" )." GMT" );

header( "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate" );

header( "Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", FALSE );

header( "Pragma: no-cache" );

( "use_upload_progress_bar", $use_upload_progress_bar );

( "yui_disable", "1" );

if ( $use_upload_progress_bar == 1 )


    require( $config['basedir']."/include/settings/uu_conlib.php" );

    $THIS_VERSION = "2.6";

    $temp_sid = generatetempsid( );

    $config_file = $default_config_file;

    $tmp_sid = md5( uniqid( mt_rand( ), true ) );

    $path_to_upload_script .= "?temp_sid=".$temp_sid;

    $path_to_ini_status_script .= "?temp_sid=".$temp_sid;

    ( "tmp_sid", $tmp_sid );

    ( "disallow_extensions", $disallow_extensions );

    ( "allow_extensions", $allow_extensions );

    ( "path_to_ini_status_script", $path_to_ini_status_script );

    ( "check_file_name_format", $check_file_name_format );

    ( "check_disallow_extensions", $check_disallow_extensions );

    ( "check_allow_extensions", $check_allow_extensions );

    ( "check_null_file_count", $check_null_file_count );

    ( "check_duplicate_file_count", $check_duplicate_file_count );

    ( "max_upload_slots", $max_upload_slots );

    ( "progress_bar_width", $progress_bar_width );

    ( "path_to_upload_script", $path_to_upload_script );

    ( "multi_upload_slots", $multi_upload_slots );

    ( "cedric_progress_bar", $cedric_progress_bar );

    ( "show_percent_complete", $show_percent_complete );

    ( "show_files_uploaded", $show_files_uploaded );

    ( "show_current_position", $show_current_position );

    ( "show_elapsed_time", $show_elapsed_time );

    ( "show_est_time_left", $show_est_time_left );

    ( "show_est_speed", $show_est_speed );


if ( isset( $_POST['action_upload'] ) )


    if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc( ) )


        $_POST['video_keywords'] = stripslashes( $_POST['video_keywords'] );

        $_POST['video_title'] = stripslashes( $_POST['video_title'] );

        $_POST['video_description'] = stripslashes( $_POST['video_description'] );


    $_POST['chlist'] = isset( $_POST['chlist'] ) ? $_POST['chlist'] : array( );

    $channel_arr = array( );

    foreach ( $_POST['chlist'] as $channel )


        $channel = intval( $channel );

        if ( in_array( $channel, $channel_arr ) || !check_field_exists( $channel, "CHID", "channel" ) )


            $channel_arr[] = $channel;



    $_POST['chlist'] = $channel_arr;

    if ( strlen( $_POST['video_title'] ) < 4 )


        $err = $lang['title_too_short'];


    else if ( strlen( $_POST['video_description'] ) < 4 )


        $err = $lang['description_too_short'];


    else if ( strlen( $_POST['video_keywords'] ) < 4 )


        $err = $lang['tags_too_short'];


    else if ( !isset( $_POST['chlist'] ) || count( $_POST['chlist'] ) < 1 || 3 < count( $_POST['chlist'] ) )


        $err = $lang['channel_not_selected'];


    $upload_from = isset( $_POST['upload_from'] ) ? $_POST['upload_from'] : "local";

    if ( $_POST['field_privacy'] != "public" )


        $_POST['field_privacy'] = "private";


    require_once( $config['basedir']."/include/classes/class.inputfilter_clean.php" );

    $myFilter = new inputfilter( );

    $_POST['video_description'] = $myFilter->process( $_POST['video_description'] );

    $_POST['video_title'] = $myFilter->process( $_POST['video_title'] );

    $_POST['video_keywords'] = $myFilter->process( $_POST['video_keywords'] );

    $_POST['video_description'] = htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( $_POST['video_description'] ), ENT_QUOTES );

    $_POST['video_title'] = htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( $_POST['video_title'] ), ENT_QUOTES );

    $_POST['video_keywords'] = htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( $_POST['video_keywords'] ), ENT_QUOTES );

    $listch = "";

    if ( isset( $_POST['chlist'] ) && 0 < count( $_POST['chlist'] ) )


        $listch = implode( "|", $_POST['chlist'] );

        $listch = $myFilter->process( $listch );


    $upload_id = md5( time( ) );

    $upload_info = array( );

    $upload_info['title'] = $_POST['video_title'];

    $upload_info['description'] = $_POST['video_description'];

    $upload_info['keywords'] = $_POST['video_keywords'];

    $upload_info['channels'] = $listch;

    $upload_info['field_privacy'] = $_POST['field_privacy'];

    $upload_info['adult'] = 0;

    $upload_info['type'] = $_POST['field_privacy'];

    $_SESSION["{$upload_id}"] = $upload_info;

    if ( $err == "" )


        if ( $upload_from == "remote" )


            $redirect_url = $config['baseurl']."/upload_remote.php?upload_id=".$upload_id;

            redirect( $redirect_url );




            ( "upload_id", $upload_id );

            ( "secondpage", "second" );




if ( isset( $_GET['rnd_id'] ) )


    require( "./uu_finished_lib.php" );


    if ( preg_match( "/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}$/", $_REQUEST['temp_sid'] ) )


        kak( "<font color='red'>WARNING</font>: Invalid session-id.<br>\n" );


    $PARAM_DIR = $_REQUEST['param_dir'];

    $TEMP_SID = $_REQUEST['temp_sid'];

    $_XML_DATA = array( );

    $_CONFIG_DATA = array( );

    $_POST_DATA = array( );

    $_FILE_DATA = array( );

    $_FILE_DATA_TABLE = "";

    $_FILE_DATA_EMAIL = "";

    $xml_parser = new xml_parser( );

    $xml_parser->setxmlfile( $PARAM_DIR, $TEMP_SID );

    $xml_parser->setxmlfiledelete( $DELETE_XML_FILE );

    $xml_parser->parsefeed( );

    if ( $xml_parser->geterror( ) )


        kak( $xml_parser->geterrormsg( ) );


    $_XML_DATA = $xml_parser->getxmldata( );

    $_CONFIG_DATA = getconfigdata( $_XML_DATA );

    $_POST_DATA = getpostdata( $_XML_DATA );

    $_FILE_DATA = getfiledata( $_XML_DATA );

    ( "upload_page", "upload" );

    $upload_dir = $_CONFIG_DATA['upload_dir'];

    $upload_file_name = $_FILE_DATA[0]->name;

    $upload_file_path = $upload_dir.$upload_file_name;

    $pos = strrpos( $upload_file_name, "." );

    $upload_file_extn = strtolower( substr( $upload_file_name, $pos + 1, strlen( $upload_file_name ) - $pos ) );

    if ( in_array( $upload_file_extn, $file_types ) )


        unlink( $upload_file_path );

        $err = "Invalid File format - ".$upload_file_extn;

        write_log( $err );


    if ( $err == "" )


        $upfile_details = "UPLOAD WITH PROGRESS BAR";

        $process_video = 1;


    $upload_id = $_POST_DATA['upload_id'];


if ( isset( $_POST['upload_final'] ) )


    $upfile_details = "\nTemporary File Name :".$_FILES['field_uploadfile']['tmp_name'];

    $upfile_details .= "\nFile Size :".$_FILES['field_uploadfile']['size'];

    $upfile_details .= "\nFile Type :".$_FILES['field_uploadfile']['type'];

    $upfile_details .= "\nFile Name :".$_FILES['field_uploadfile']['name'];

    if ( is_uploaded_file( $_FILES['field_uploadfile']['tmp_name'] ) )


        $err .= nl2br( $upfile_details );

        $upload_error = $_FILES['field_uploadfile']['error'];

        switch ( $_FILES['field_uploadfile']['error'] )


            case 0 :

                $err = $err."<BR>".( "[ERROR: ".$upload_error."] There is no error, the file uploaded with success." );


            case 1 :

                $err = $err."<BR>".( "[ERROR: ".$upload_error."] The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" );


            case 2 :

                $err = $err."<BR>".( "[ERROR: ".$upload_error."] The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form." );


            case 3 :

                $err = $err."<BR>".( "[ERROR: ".$upload_error."] The uploaded file was only partially uploaded." );


            case 4 :

                $err = $err."<BR>".( "[ERROR: ".$upload_error."] No file was uploaded." );


            case 6 :

                $err = $err."<BR>".( "[ERROR: ".$upload_error."] Missing a temporary folder." );


            case 7 :

                $err = $err."<BR>".( "[ERROR: ".$upload_error."] Failed to write file to disk." );


            default :

                $err = $err."<BR>".( "[ERROR: ".$upload_error."] There was a problem with your upload." );



    if ( $err == "" )


        $upload_file_name = $_FILES['field_uploadfile']['name'];

        $pos = strrpos( $upload_file_name, "." );

        $upload_file_extn = strtolower( substr( $upload_file_name, $pos + 1, strlen( $upload_file_name ) - $pos ) );

        $upfile_no_extn = basename( $upload_file_name, ".".$upload_file_extn );

        $upfile_no_extn = ereg_replace( "[&$#]+", " ", $upfile_no_extn );

        $upfile_no_extn = ereg_replace( "[ ]+", "-", $upfile_no_extn );

        $upload_file_path = $config['basedir']."/video/".$upfile_no_extn.".".$upload_file_extn;

        $i = 0;

        while ( file_exists( $upload_file_path ) )



            $upload_file_name = $upfile_no_extn."_".$i.".".$upload_file_extn;

            $upload_file_path = $config['basedir']."/video/".$upload_file_name;


        if ( move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['field_uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $upload_file_path ) )


            if ( in_array( $upload_file_extn, $file_types ) )


                unlink( $upload_file_path );

                $err = "Invalid File format - ".$upload_file_extn;

                write_log( $err );





            $err = "Error in moving file, check permission of video folder";

            write_log( $err );





        write_log( $err );


    if ( $err == "" )


        $process_video = 1;


    $upload_id = $_POST['upload_id'];


if ( isset( $process_video ) && $process_video == 1 )


    $video_title = $_SESSION["{$upload_id}"]['title'];

    $video_descr = $_SESSION["{$upload_id}"]['description'];

    $video_keywords = $_SESSION["{$upload_id}"]['keywords'];

    $video_channels = $_SESSION["{$upload_id}"]['channels'];

    $video_privacy = $_SESSION["{$upload_id}"]['field_privacy'];

    $upload_file_size = filesize( $upload_file_path );

    $upload_file_size = round( $upload_file_size / 1048576 );

    if ( get_config( "guest_upload" ) == 1 && !isset( $_SESSION['USERNAME'] ) )


        $username = get_config( "guest_upload_user" );




        $username = $_SESSION['USERNAME'];


    $sql = "INSERT INTO `process_queue` SET\n\t\tfile='".$upload_file_name."',\n\t\ttitle ='".quote_smart( $video_title )."',\n\t\tdescription='".quote_smart( $video_descr )."',\n\t\tkeywords='".quote_smart( $video_keywords ).( "',\n\t\tchannels='".$video_channels."',\n\t\ttype='{$video_privacy}',\n\t\tuser='{$username}',\n\t\tuser_ip='{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}',\n\t\tstatus=2" );

    if ( !( $result = mysql_query( $sql ) ) )



    $qid = mysql_insert_id( );

    $process_upload = get_config( "process_upload" );

    write_log( "Upload Finished" );

    if ( $process_upload == 0 )


        write_log( "Batch Processing" );


    else if ( $process_upload == 1 )


        $video_id = process_video( $qid, 0 );

        write_log( "Calling process_video[".$qid.",0]" );




        $php_path = get_config( "php_path" );

        $cmd_bkgnd = "{$php_path} -q {$config['basedir']}/convert.php {$qid} > /dev/null &";

        write_log( "Running: ".$cmd_bkgnd );

        exec( $cmd_bkgnd );


    $redirect_url = $config['baseurl']."/upload_success.php?id=".$qid."&upload_id=".$upload_id;

    redirect( $redirect_url );


( "err", $err );

( "msg", $msg );

( "header.tpl" );

( "error.tpl" );

( "upload.tpl" );

( "footer.tpl" );

db_close( );



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All of the following lines are not php code. They are either missing part of an instruction or they were copy/pasted from somewhere that has nothing to do with php -


    ( "tmp_sid", $tmp_sid );
    ( "disallow_extensions", $disallow_extensions );
    ( "allow_extensions", $allow_extensions );
    ( "path_to_ini_status_script", $path_to_ini_status_script );
    ( "check_file_name_format", $check_file_name_format );
    ( "check_disallow_extensions", $check_disallow_extensions );
    ( "check_allow_extensions", $check_allow_extensions );
    ( "check_null_file_count", $check_null_file_count );
    ( "check_duplicate_file_count", $check_duplicate_file_count );
    ( "max_upload_slots", $max_upload_slots );
    ( "progress_bar_width", $progress_bar_width );
    ( "path_to_upload_script", $path_to_upload_script );
    ( "multi_upload_slots", $multi_upload_slots );
    ( "cedric_progress_bar", $cedric_progress_bar );
    ( "show_percent_complete", $show_percent_complete );
    ( "show_files_uploaded", $show_files_uploaded );
    ( "show_current_position", $show_current_position );
    ( "show_elapsed_time", $show_elapsed_time );
    ( "show_est_time_left", $show_est_time_left );
    ( "show_est_speed", $show_est_speed );

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cheers mate. much appreciated.


Gonna have to take the time out to actually learn a bit of php I guess, no quick dirty way to do it and using code off the net i dont fully understand is proving more trouble than its worth.


Thanks for the reply, you just confirmed what I already knew - time to learn php /sigh. another langauge, grrrr.

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