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For some reason, the code below sets sessions on my localhost machine running WAMP Server, but not on any webhosts...


include("func.php"); //Logs into the mysql database and defines functions
$regstring = "";
if($_POST["user"]!="" and $_POST["pass"]!=""){
$user = addslashes($_POST["user"]);	
$r = mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error());
$rows = mysql_num_rows($r);
if($rows > 0){
	list($passv) = mysql_fetch_array($r);
	if($pass == $passv and $pass!=""){
		$_SESSION["username"] = "yes"; //Never gets set, except on localhost running WAMP Server
		$regstring = "Logged in correctly! Please wait while you are directed to the user control panel...";
	} else {
		$regstring = "Incorrect password for $user.";
} else {
	$regstring = "There is no $user registered in the database. Check your spelling.";


Am I doing something wrong in my code?

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Not entirely sure, but try using single quote like ' instead of "

That'll make no difference



Run phpinfo() on your hosted site(s) to see where your sessions are being stored.


You can change where your sessions are saved to by having the following in each page (before session_start) which uses sessions

ini_set('session.save_path', '/path/to/sessions');


Alternatively place a .htaccess in your sites root folder and add the following

php_value "session.save_path" "/path/to/sessions"

basic structure for storing variables in sessions is:








$insertvariable = "this is some text";

$_SESSION['var'] = "$insertvariable";




session_start(); //must use to continue session


$retrievevariable = $_SESSION['var'];


echo "$retrievevariable";




Don't forget to destroy the session when necessary!


Hope that helps.


Or not :(


I tried using:

ini_set('session.save_path', 'sessions/');


But it still doesn't work...

When setting the path make sure you use a full path.


You'll be better of creating a sessions folder out side of your sites document root. Then create a .htaccess file in your document root and add the following

php_value session.save_path /full/path/to/sessions/

Now whenever you uses sessions PHP should save/read sessions from your sessions folder.

Php settings cannot be put into a .htaccess file when php is running as a CGI application (they cause an internal serve error.) They can only be put into a .htaccess file when php is running as an Apache module.


It is very likely that your php installation has the session save path set to a default location and that sessions are able to work (and you never answered the question about what does a phpinfo() statement show for that setting.)


Add the following two lines immediately after your <?php tag to find out if there are any php detected errors -


ini_set ("display_errors", "1");

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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