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2 x XAMPP Installs - How to access second Instance?

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Hi all,


I have installed XAMPP twice on a testing machine (Don;t worry, I meant to do it to test this issue!).


My question is - How do I access the second instance from a browser?


For example - I have placed website 1 in C:\Folder_ONE\xampp\htdocs, and can access it using http://localhost in a browser.


I have placed website 2 into C:\Folder_TWO\xampp\htdocs.


Can anyone tell me how I would access website 2 in a browser?

All help appreciated.



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Here's what's in my httpd.conf


# ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to identify itself.
# This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend you specify
# it explicitly to prevent problems during startup.
# If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.
ServerName localhost:80


I have no experience in configuring apache, so it might be more than this setting to change

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Are you installing two instances of XAMPP so you can run two websites from one computer? If this is the case then you only need to install XAMPP once, then you just need to setup Virtual Hosts within Apache's httpd.conf file which will allow you to do something like http://sitenamehere.localhost/ or http://myfakedomain.com/ etc.


Anyway  to answer the question you will need to setup the second instance of XAMPP to run on a different port than the first instance, such as 8080.

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Hi Wildteen88,


No, I'm doing it to test the effect of installing a second web server on the machine - I understand that it is possible to run numerous sites from the one instance.


Thanks for the help - I have a couple more Q's:

Do I change that into on httpd.conf - the listen port and the server port?

Will the second instance automatically use the MYSQL server on its instance, or could there be a crossover/confusion?







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AFAIK default mySQL server's port is 3036, so both instances are trying to use it, and the first one wins, the other is unreachable (or doesn't start at all). So you'd have to change the port for the other instance od mySQL. Then in your script, when using mysql_connect, you will have to specify the port.

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