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Can Anyone Point Me In The Right Direction...?


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Do you know any php or html as some knowledge will be know to help you do this.


First you need to set up a simple form to put in the post code you want to compare.  Then you need that to send the data to your script file using POST/GET.


You will need to specify, what other post code you want to compare it.


All the code that was provided in that blog can sit in one file.


Try that first, then ask if you need more help.  Good Luck

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Ok, heres the form


<form name="locator" method="get" action="postcode.php" id="storeFinder">
                <label for="p" class="hidden">Post code</label>
                <input type="text" name="p" id="p" value="" maxlength="8" class="storeLocatorText" />
                <input type="submit" class="buttonStandard" value="Search" style="margin-left:5px;float:left;width:75px;" />


and postcode.php is



#Convert the post code to upper case and trim the variable
$postcode = strtoupper(trim($postcode));

#Remove any spaces
$postcode = str_replace(" ","",$postcode);

#Trim the last 3 characters off the end
$postcode_first = substr($postcode,0,strlen($postcode)-3);

"SELECT * FROM tblhwz_postcodes WHERE fldPostCode = '$postcode_first' LIMIT 1";

Does the post code exist?
if ($myrow["fldPostCode"] != ""){

#Assign variables
$code1_lat = $myrow["fldLatitude"];
$code1_long = $myrow["fldLongitude"];


#post code not found


function getDistance($lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2){

#$earth = 6371; #km change accordingly
$earth = 3960; #miles

#Point 1 cords
$lat1 = deg2rad($lat1);
$long1= deg2rad($long1);

#Point 2 cords
$lat2 = deg2rad($lat2);
$long2= deg2rad($long2);

#Haversine Formula





return $d;


#Returns the distance in miles
$distance = getDistance($code1_lat, $code1_long, $code2_lat, $code2_long);



just returns a blank page at the moment though...


im not entirley sure the script is set up right for the field names in the database...?


database structure is


CREATE TABLE `hwz_postcodes` (
  `outcode` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
  `x` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `y` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `latitude` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `longitude` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`outcode`),
  KEY `x` (`x`,`y`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='stores hwz postcode data and coords';

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Firstly you need to convert your Get Data to a $var called $postcode so in your postcodes.php page put :

$postcode = $_GET['p'];

At the top of your page.  Then you will need to actually connect to your database via mysql_connect()...  Look it up on the php.net manual.  In fact look up how to do basic queries in mysql, there are a couple more functions you will need to use to make your statement work (mysql_query() & mysql_result()).  And you statement is written wrong.  Change :

"SELECT * FROM tblhwz_postcodes WHERE fldPostCode = '$postcode_first' LIMIT 1";


$qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblhwz_postcodes WHERE fldPostCode = '" . $postcode_first . "' LIMIT 1");

Finally right at the bottom before ?> add something like :

echo $distance;

To present something to your page, otherwise it will remain blank as you say.

The problem with your database is that your not actually connecting to it at all!


I suggest going to the w3schools website to look up about GET and POST data, and see the php manual on mysql functions.  Good Luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, getting a bit further with it (I hope!)




<form name="form1" method="post" action="postcode_search.php">
  <table width="400" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
      <td><label><strong>Post Code: </strong></label></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="postcode" id="postcode"></td>
      <td> </td>
        <input type="submit" name="search" id="search.php" value="search">
  <p> </p>




$postcode = $_GET['p'];

ini_set ("display_errors", "1");

$hostname = "localhost";
$database = "viewmykitchen1";
$username = "test";
$password = "test";
$database = mysql_pconnect($hostname, $username,
$password) or die(mysql_error());


#Convert the post code to upper case and trim the variable
$postcode = strtoupper(trim($postcode));

#Remove any spaces
$postcode = str_replace(" ","",$postcode);

#Trim the last 3 characters off the end
$postcode_first = substr($postcode,0,strlen($postcode)-3);

$postcode =($_POST['postcode'])); 

$qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblhwz_postcodes WHERE fldPostCode = '" . $postcode_first . "' LIMIT 1");



Does the post code exist?
if ($myrow["fldpostcode"] != ""){

#Assign variables
$code1_lat = $myrow["fldlatitude"];
$code1_long = $myrow["fldlongitude"];


#post code not found




function getDistance($lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2){

#$earth = 6371; #km change accordingly
$earth = 3960; #miles

#Point 1 cords
$lat1 = deg2rad($lat1);
$long1= deg2rad($long1);

#Point 2 cords
$lat2 = deg2rad($lat2);
$long2= deg2rad($long2);

#Haversine Formula





return $d;




#Returns the distance in miles
$distance = getDistance($code1_lat, $code1_long, $code2_lat, $code2_long);

echo $distance;



Am I getting any further with this???

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