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French Characters work selectively with charsets


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I have a French/English bilingual site that I am working on.


The main site is at http://www.xtown.ca/index1.php. Check out the News page for example. in the 4th Paragraph, there are a bunch of French names. For both the French and English section, the names were copy-pasted so they are all identical characters. They are all stored in a PHP variable and called in.


The English part does NOT show the french characters properly, but replaces them with question marks when it's in UTF-8 encoding. But ocne you click the French button at the top and open the same page in French, with the same special accentuated e's and all that, it works fine. So i tried ISO- whatever that is the standard, and then it became the VICE VERSA. The English part worked fine but the French part started breaking on the special text. What the hell is going on? They're the same text. Shouldn't they all work or not work in the same encoding environment???




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Your http header shows that the charset is utf-8, but when you view the page source it shows ISO-8859-1. Your php is set for a default charset, which can be changed or deleted in your php.ini file. If you don't do this you have a character encoding mismatch error. Once you know you are outputting only one declaration of charset, then use the one that is right for your chars.

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