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Image is not displaying


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<?php require_once("session_con.php");
//connect to the database server and the database  
//session data fetching for test
$id= $_SESSION['suid'];
//echo $id;
//Get data from the prevoius page
//$id = $_GET['user_id'];
//echo $id;
//Checking the get data is valid or empty
echo "No image available";
//Select image from the database
$sql="SELECT  * FROM `user_image` WHERE `user_id` ='".$id."';";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error());
$fdata = $row['FileData'];
$ftype = $row['MimeType'];
$fname = $row['FileName'];
//setting the header information to display the image
header('Content-type: $ftype');
echo $fdata;


Omage is not displaying when i m running the page...
save option is coming...instead of displaying the image...

can anybody correct the code...coz...it's showing sometimes peculier data and last line is 
header output send already...thank You.

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The script used to set header and display image content,

//setting the header information to display the image
header('Content-type: $ftype');
echo $fdata;


has to be moved to the else part because the error msg  ("No image available") can't be displayed if session doesn't exist.


Check the script by moving the above script to the else part whether it shows the error - "No image available".




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Thank for the reply..!!!


Yea I have put the last part in the else part..session is exist and thus "No image " error is not echoing.Instead of that save the file dialog box is opening .


when I save and open the file some peculiar data is showing there.


So what I will do now!!

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I have done few changes in my code...

as previously I was fetching the userid from the session

now I wanna display the image linking from another page



<div id="photo">
      <img src="getimage.php?user_id=<?php print $user_id; ?>" width="162" height="156" /></div>

and now the getimage.php code

<?php require_once("session_con.php");
//connect to the database server and the database  

//Get data from the prevoius page
$id = $_GET['user_id'];
//I also tried echo to display the user_id...now its not coming also

//Checking the get data is valid or empty
echo "Image is not available";
//Select image from the database
$sql="SELECT  * FROM `user_image` WHERE `user_id` ='".$id."';";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error());
$fdata = $row['FileData'];
$ftype = $row['MimeType'];
$fname = $row['FileName'];

//setting the header information to display the image
header('Content-type: $ftype');
echo $fdata;


Can anybody help me...now..please..!!!

It's over a week I am trying...!!!

Thank you..in advance!!!

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Ahhhh I think I know what it is. Take a close look at header('Content-type: $ftype'); you're tossing a variable in a set of single quotes. change the ' to " like this header("Content-type: $ftype");


Additionally you can also do this: header('Content-type: ' . $ftype);

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Yeah, this is a weird problem you're having. One last thing I can think about is the mime type.


What is the mime? image/jpeg image/png?


can you add


die( $row['MimeType'] );




$fdata = $row['FileData'];
$ftype = $row['MimeType'];
$fname = $row['FileName'];


And post what that says. The only, last thing I can think of then is an invalid mime type...

And if you posted that link to show us what's going on we can't see it since it's on your localhost. Can you post an example on the web at all?

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