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Access Denied while creating Database.


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Okay, so i've been looking up some tutorials on PHP and MySQL. I feel that downloading a pre-made script limits on your creativity and handling procedures. Plus, you get that damn copyright info that will indicate to other users on your site that you never made that sciprt. :(


So, I write up a test script to

1) Connect to Mysql server.

2) Create a database.

3) Insert a new table inside the database.


Here's the code:




$sql = mysql_connect('localhost','nxtwaren_God',"mypassword") or die("Couldn't connect to mysql server.".mysql.error());




That's in the sqlconnect.php


now here's the createdb.php :




include 'sqlconnect.php';

// create database

mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE nxtwaren_blogsystem") or die(mysql_error());


// Select Database


mysql_select_db("nxtwaren_blogsystems",$sql) or die(mysql_error());


// Create a new table!

mysql_query("CREATE TABLE users (

                    username varchar(30),

                    age tinyint(2),

                    posts mediumint(9)


                ") or die(mysql_error());

echo("Database was created successfully!");


// Lets say we got the information via a POST form

$username = 'Bob';

$age = 40;

$posts = 5000;


mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (username, age, posts) VALUES ('".$username."', ".$age.", ".$posts."") or die(mysql_error());

echo ("Successfully inserted data into new table!");






So the result when I run the script createdb.php




Access denied for user 'nxtwaren_God'@'localhost' to database 'nxtwaren_blogsystems'


Any help-would be really appreciated! Thanks!



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There could be several reasons for this! :-\

If I get error messages that I can`t pinpoint, I Google the error message to see if I didn`t miss anything and to better determine what I did wrong! ;D


make sure the database settings in config.php are correct or


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name TO user@host IDENTIFIED BY 'password';



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