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Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_pconnect()

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Hi, I need to request some assistance with a PHP 5.2.6 install on Windows server 2003.


I am trying to migrate a PHP web app to a new host. This will be my first time installing PHP and my PHP skills in general are fairly basic. I should also point out that I have inherited the current host so I'm not sure how it was initially setup. From what I can tell, the current host (Win 2003) has PHP version 4.3.11 installed although it is not listed in add/remove programs so it must have been manually installed. The PHP path is C:\PHP and the php.ini file is saved to c:\windows. Phpinfo won't run on the current host so it's hard to confirm further details. Web server is IIS. The app is running fine in this environment however the hardware is due to be retired, hence the move.


I've installed PHP 5.2.6 to the new host (Win 2003 with IIS). During the install I specified IIS ISAPI Module and selected the MSSQL extension. I included the entire PHP program and also included PEAR as this is installed to current host. PHP was installed to C:\Program Files\PHP and php.ini file was created within the PHP folder. I have not moved the ini to C:\Windows. I did not restart IIS following install.


The problem is that when I run the app I get the error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_pconnect()". So it looks as though PHP is running though the mssql connect function is not. phpinfo is working though I'm not sure what I'm looking for in output. I have investigated online and everything points to the MSSQL extension not being installed or the reference to it being commented out in the php.ini. I have followed up on all suggestions and found;


1. php_mssql.dll is in c:\program files\php\ext

2. Reference to the extension directory in php.ini is active and set to: extension_dir ="C:\Program Files\PHP\ext"

3. Reference to MSSQL in php.ini is active and set to: extension=php_mssql.dll

4. C:\Program Files\PHP is included in the Windows path env. variable


At this point I am running out of ideas and any help/suggestions would be appreciated.


Many Thanks,



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Check that PHP is actually reading the php.ini in "c:\program files\php", you can do this by running phpinfo()


Look for a line called Loaded Configuration File this should state the full path to the php.ini that PHP is reading for configuration. If its set to (none) then PHP is not reading any php.ini file.


Also make sure whenever you edit the php.ini IIS will need to be restarted.

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