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MySQL broke

Brian W

Me or the other guy.  

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  1. 1. Me or the other guy.

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    • The Other
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Yesterday I moved my php application I've been building off of the test server on to a test folder on the main production server. Of course I had to change all of my connection information but once I did and every thing is apparently correct, dreamweaver tells me there is an unknown error... now I definitely don't rely on Dreamweaver for anything more than my sites layouts so I created a page that simply tried connecting to the DB. Nothing, not even a sql error message, kinda like the db was there but no tables.

Well, I get to work this morning and my boss tells me that the guy who runs the other half of the sites on the server (who is a contact worker with our company) is saying "yesterday some one broke the database". Yeah, the guy is really detailed, eh?

Well, any ways, without using "DROP" or really anything besides "SELECT", is there anyway I could have screwed the DB up just by attempting to connect to it?


My boss is trying to replace all of his contractors for in-office workers because he hates the lack of communication with the people he has now. He's had this particular guy for over 2 years. Boss thinks that the guy might have caught wind that we weren't just working on a few websites, we built an application without him and we even have a MySQL and MsSQL guy here and sabotaged us.


Any ways, which one sounds more realistic? Me breaking it with simply trying to connect to it or the guy getting pissy? ???

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The guy getting pissy.

You tested just before you transfered, and right after you were having database errors? It really depends on what went on around there and how things were done I guess. Just trying to connect to the database and/or grab information from it shouldn't screw it up. Have you looked at the database in anything like phpmyadmin to see that everything was in fact there?


Yeah, check logs like matt said.

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I don't have PHPmyadmin set up to be used with the production server right now, but that may be something I need to do asap.

I don't know, I don't quite subscribe to the conspiracy theory because it did seem to happen in the same timeline I was connecting to the database. I'm going to go talk to our SQL guy and see if he can pull up the logs for me.

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Lol, the DB guy thinks that the time frame looks more like it was done about 20min before I ever tried connecting. Wish I had gone over there and talked to him too. He got the memo this morning and looked at the logs and doesn't see me till after the time the other guy says this problem occurred and he actually does think the theory may be correct. We are just waiting to get the quote from this guy on how much it will cost and how much time it will be before he gets everything back up.  :-\

Any ways, thanks for the input. Makes me feel better.

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I'm putting my money on the other guy getting wind of a possible release from your company.


I'd bet a million dollars on it.


Heres the thing.. Just connecting, retrieving, updating, inserting information. None of this can completely wipe out your DB.


How much of the DB did you lose? Just the DB pertaining to the project in question or the whole thing?

If it was just the section for the wep app. I'd say sabotage all the way.

If it was the majority of the DB then I'd say something could have just went wrong..


See if the information lost looks like it could have been targeted.


The only way I see this being your fault in either case. Is if you accidently ran a drop query.

Which doesn't really make sense if you are simply trying to connect to see if you can.



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Didn't use DROP.

I don't want to go bug the SQL guy anymore, he is working on one of our new in house servers so that we can leave the dedicated virtual server we are using now. He's was getting information from the DB all yesterday morning, which may have red flagged the contractor...

Again, thanks for the input. I'm relatively new to database interaction, especially with using PHP as my front end so when something happens i almost immediately go "oh shoot, what did i do?"

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There are backups, but the server in owned by some company (its not in house) and the contractor is the one who maintains it including doing the backups. We are kinda expecting this guy is going to try to charge for something or someother BS with money or just put off fixing it for a day or two costing us money is a different style. IDK

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Why dont you ask the contractor what is wrong with the Database and can you have a look at the errors that were generated. If he is making this up then he wont have any errors.


If he said the database is broken he should know what was wrong or know the error messages.


At the end of the day its to companies fault for just using contractors. Ask the sql guy if he can connect to the database. If he can then surely you must be able to.

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It is a lack of communication that has caused the break down between the company and the contractors, namely this one involved. This lack of communication explains why he simply stated "it is broken" without telling us any details about the problem. The SQL guy is busy right now, I'll talk to him later. Meanwhile, I'm back on the test server creating a reset password ability.

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He simply stated 'it is broken' because either the wrong questions were asked, or he's useless.


If he's responsible for maintenance and backups, then crashes are HIS responsibility. It's his fault until he can prove it's yours. Until then, he's responsible for fixing it.

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Not broken, he has caught wind and what he was trying to do was fish at who was messing with the virtual server and what was going on. The DB is back up.

Oye, this is bullsh** I won't have to deal with in about a week when the in-house servers are rolling... the app will be the first thing going on it because it is a tool for our own company... so no complaining customers while we are debugging any problems with the servers. I'll also finally have a sandbox with php6 and ASP on it. Widows Server 2008 baby!

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