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PHP Windows Installer package problem


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Thank you if you can help. I am just beginning.


Apparently I made some mistakes, :-(

· installing from a user,

· not installing Apache first

· selecting too many options.



Streamlined W2k. (That is, no IExpl, no OExpress, no IIS, etc. )


I downloaded

--php-5.2.6-win32-installer.msi-- and tried installing.


I got the following message

“There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.

A script required for this install to complete could no be run.

Contact your support personnel or package vendor.”


And I got stuck,

No way going forward or backward, same message if I try to unistall, repair, etc.


I deleted PHP files with no results.



Here System variables (in case it helps)


CompSpc:    %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe

OS:                Windows_NT

Os2LibPath : %SystemRoot%\system32\os2\dll;

Path:     C:\ProgramFiles\PHP\;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32\WBEM


PHPRC:    C:\Program Files\PHP\

+ Others that seem irrelevant.



The PC is working 'ok'


Another question if I may.

I know html and plan to start selling stuff online.

Let's say I am average mind, should I get Linux and start all together fresh at this moment?

  (Install for Linux: 248 posts vs. Inst for Windows: 885 posts!!  less problems or less users?)                                   

I have been meddling with Linspire and it looks good.

Too many open fronts for an old guy, or everything comes together quick?

A short answer will suffice.


Thank you; your help is really appreciated.

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When installing PHP on windows never use the installer. I have found the installer causes more problems then needs be.


Always download the zipped binaries package instead, once downloaded extract the contents of the zip to C:\php and PHP is installed!. All that is left is for you to install and configure your preferred HTTP server (eg Apache, IIS etc). I always recommend Apache myself (I just don't get on with IIS). Once Apache is installed all the configuration you need to do is add the following to Apaches httpd.conf:

LoadModule php5_module "C:/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"
PHPIniDir "C:/PHP"

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php


Save the httpd.conf and restart Apache. Apache should now be configured with PHP and away you go.


Let's say I am average mind, should I get Linux and start all together fresh at this moment?

(Install for Linux: 248 posts vs. Inst for Windows: 885 posts!! less problems or less users?)

I have been meddling with Linspire and it looks good.

You dont need to install linux at all to learn PHP (or HTML/CSS). However I would recommend you to look into Ubuntu if you plan on giving Linux a shot. However I do recommend you to download what is called a Live CD before installing any Linux Distro. Live CD's allow you to completely test an OS without installing anything on your computer.

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