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I have a piece of code that dynamically prints a series of checkboxes.


So that the records aren't recorded multiple times, I have a delete query before new records are added.


But its not working!


Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong. I'm not getting an error. The records just pile up every time I submit the form.



   echo "User chose $n items from the list.<br>\n";
   $delete="DELETE FROM specialties WHERE business_id=1";
   $clear=mysql_query($delete) or trigger_error("Query: $delete\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
   $query="INSERT INTO specialties (specialty_id,business_id,specialty) VALUES ('','1','$kink[$i]')";
   $result=mysql_query($query) or trigger_error("Query: $query\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());

<form id=\"specialties\" action=\"specialties.php\" method=\"post\">

<fieldset class=\"specialties\">";

$query4="SELECT * FROM specialtytype";



<label for=\"$cat\">$cat</label>
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fields[]\" value=\"$cat_id\"";

print ">";

<input type=\"submit\" class=\"continue\" name=\"submit\" value=\" \" />



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well this line


$clear=mysql_query($delete) or trigger_error("Query: $delete\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());


you have declared the $delete query inside a variblae $clear and you havent used that variable anywhere i can see in the page


try removing the $clear= part and see if it works

$delete="DELETE FROM specialties WHERE business_id=1"


try running the delete query in phpmyadmin or whatever interface you have for mysql/oracle etc to see if the query runs (so you know if its the php thats wrong or the SQL, normally the first thing i check).


I dont know much about SQL realy but it could be sumthing as simple as needing ' ' around the 1  (so the end looks like this for     

example ='1'")

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