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Need help with integration of authorize.net


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I have a shopping cart and I need to integrate it with authorize.net's API...not sure how to construct the form with variables in order to do this any help please...? Below is the code for my authorize.net api that has been transformed into a class. and then below that is the page that I would like to use to process the transaction...




class AuthnetAIMException extends Exception {}


class AuthnetAIM


    const LOGIN    = '2sellgutters';

    const TRANSKEY = '7PP7njK7682f88f8';

    const TEST    = false;

    const GODADDY  = false;


    private $params  = array();

    private $results  = array();

    private $approved = false;

    private $declined = false;

    private $error    = true;

    private $fields;

    private $response;

    private $url;


    public function __construct()


        if (!self::LOGIN || !self::TRANSKEY)


            throw new AuthnetException('You have not configured your Authnet login credentials.');



        $subdomain = (self::TEST) ? 'test' : 'secure';

        $this->url = 'https://' . $subdomain . '.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll';


        $this->params['x_delim_data']    = 'TRUE';

        $this->params['x_delim_char']    = '|';

        $this->params['x_relay_response'] = 'FALSE';

        $this->params['x_url']            = 'FALSE';

        $this->params['x_version']        = '3.1';

        $this->params['x_method']        = 'CC';

        $this->params['x_type']          = 'AUTH_CAPTURE';

        $this->params['x_login']          = self::LOGIN;

        $this->params['x_tran_key']      = self::TRANSKEY;



    public function __toString()


        if (!$this->params)


            return (string) $this;



        $output  = '';

        $output .= '<table summary="Authnet Results" id="authnet">' . "\n";

        $output .= '<tr>' . "\n\t\t" . '<th colspan="2"><b>Outgoing Parameters</b></th>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "\n";


        foreach ($this->params as $key => $value)


            $output .= "\t" . '<tr>' . "\n\t\t" . '<td><b>' . $key . '</b></td>';

            $output .= '<td>' . $value . '</td>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "\n";



        if ($this->results)


            $output .= '<tr>' . "\n\t\t" . '<th colspan="2"><b>Incomming Parameters</b></th>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "\n";


            $response = array('Response Code', 'Response Subcode', 'Response Reason Code',

                              'Response Reason Text', 'Approval Code', 'AVS Result Code',

                              'Transaction ID', 'Invoice Number', 'Description', 'Amount',

                              'Method', 'Transaction Type', 'Customer ID', 'Cardholder First Name',

                              'Cardholder Last Name', 'Company', 'Billing Address', 'City',

                              'State', 'Zip', 'Country', 'Phone', 'Fax', 'Email', 'Ship to First Name',

                              'Ship to Last Name', 'Ship to Company', 'Ship to Address',

                              'Ship to City', 'Ship to State', 'Ship to Zip', 'Ship to Country',

                              'Tax Amount', 'Duty Amount', 'Freight Amount', 'Tax Exempt Flag',

                              'PO Number', 'MD5 Hash', 'Card Code (CVV2/CVC2/CID) Response Code',

                              'Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) Response Code');


            foreach ($this->results as $key => $value)


                if ($key > 40) break;

                $output .= "\t" . '<tr>' . "\n\t\t" . '<td><b>' . $response[$key] . '</b></td>';

                $output .= '<td>' . $value . '</td>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "\n";




        $output .= '</table>' . "\n";

        return $output;



    public function process($retries = 3)



        $ch = curl_init($this->url);


        $count = 0;

        while ($count < $retries)


            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, rtrim($this->fields, '& '));

            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);

            if (self::GODADDY)


                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1);

                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP);

                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, 'http://proxy.shr.secureserver.net:3128');

                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);


            $this->response = curl_exec($ch);


            if ($this->getResultResponseFull() == 'Approved')


                $this->approved = true;

                $this->declined = false;

                $this->error    = false;



            else if ($this->getResultResponseFull() == 'Declined')


                $this->approved = false;

                $this->declined = true;

                $this->error    = false;








    private function prepareParameters()


        foreach ($this->params as $key => $value)


            $this->fields .= $key . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';




    private function parseResults()


        $this->results = explode($this->params['x_delim_char'], $this->response);



    public function setTransaction($cardnum, $expiration, $amount, $cvv = null, $invoice = null, $tax = null)


        $this->params['x_card_num']    = (string) trim($cardnum);

        $this->params['x_exp_date']    = (string) trim($expiration);

        $this->params['x_amount']      = (float)  $amount;

        $this->params['x_invoice_num'] = (int)    $invoice;

        $this->params['x_tax']        = (float)  $tax;

        $this->params['x_card_code']  = str_pad((int) $cvv, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

        if (empty($this->params['x_card_num']))


            throw new AuthnetException('Required information for transaction processing omitted: credit card number');


        if (empty($this->params['x_exp_date']))


            throw new AuthnetException('Required information for transaction processing omitted: expiration date');


        if (empty($this->params['x_amount']))


            throw new AuthnetException('Required information for transaction processing omitted: dollar amount');


        if (!$this->validateExpirationDate())


            throw new AuthnetException('Expiration date is in an invalid format');




    public function setParameter($field = '', $value = null)


        $field = (is_string($field)) ? trim($field) : $field;

        $value = (is_string($value)) ? trim($value) : $value;

        if (!is_string($field))


            throw new AuthnetException('setParameter() arg 1 must be a string: ' . gettype($field) . ' given.');


        if (!is_string($value) && !is_numeric($value) && !is_bool($value))


            throw new AuthnetException('setParameter() arg 2 (' . $field . ')must be a string, integer, or boolean value: ' . gettype($value) . ' given.');


        if (empty($field))


            throw new AuthnetException('setParameter() requires a parameter field to be named.');


        if ($value === '')


            throw new AuthnetException('setParameter() requires a parameter value to be assigned: $field');


        $this->params[$field] = $value;



    public function setTransactionType($type = '')


        $type      = strtoupper(trim($type));


        if (!in_array($type, $typeArray))


            throw new AuthnetException('setTransactionType() requires a valid value to be assigned.');


        $this->params['x_type'] = $type;



    public function setEcheck($aba, $account, $accttype, $bankname, $bankacctname, $echecktype, $transtype = 'AUTH_CAPTURE')


        $amount      = (float) $amount;

        $aba          = trim($aba);

        $account      = trim($account);

        $accttype    = strtoupper(trim($accttype));

        $bankname    = substr(strtoupper(trim($bankname)), 0, 50);

        $bankacctname = substr(strtoupper(trim($bankacctname)), 0, 22);

        $echecktype  = strtoupper(trim($echecktype));

        $transtype    = strtoupper(trim($transtype));


        if (!preg_match('/^\d{1,4}(\.?\d{0,2})?$/', $amount))


            throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid dollar amount.');


        if (!preg_match('/^\d{9}$/', $aba))


            throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a nine digit ABA/routing number.');


        if (!preg_match('/^\d{6,20}$/', $account))


            throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid account number.');


        if (empty($bankname))


            throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid bank name.');




            $bankname = substr($bankname, 0, 50);


        if (empty($bankacctname))


            throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires the name that appears on the checking account.');



        $accountTypeArray = array('CHECKING', 'BUSINESSCHECKING', 'SAVINGS');

        if (!in_array($accttype, $accountTypeArray))


            throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid bank account type to be assigned.');



        $echeckTypeArray = array('CCD', 'PPD', 'TEL', 'WEB');

        if (!in_array($echecktype, $echeckTypeArray))


            throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid echeck type value to be assigned.');



        $transTypeArray = array('AUTH_CAPTURE', 'CREDIT');

        if (!in_array($transtype, $transTypeArray))


            throw new AuthnetException('setEcheck() requires a valid transaction type.');



        $this->params['x_amount']        = $amount;

        $this->params['x_method']        = 'ECHECK';

        $this->params['x_bank_aba_code']  = $aba;

        $this->params['x_bank_acct_num']  = $account;

        $this->params['x_bank_acct_type'] = $accttype;

        $this->params['x_bank_name']      = $bankname;

        $this->params['x_bank_acct_name'] = $bankacctname;

        $this->params['x_type']          = $transtype;

        $this->params['x_echeck_type']    = $echecktype;



    private function validateExpirationDate()


        if (preg_match('|^\d{4}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true;

        if (preg_match('|^\d{2}/\\d{2}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true;

        if (preg_match('|^\\d{2}-\d{2}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true;

        if (preg_match('|^\d{6}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true;

        if (preg_match('|^\d{2}/\d{4}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true;

        if (preg_match('|^\d{2}-\d{4}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true;

        if (preg_match('|^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true;

        if (preg_match('|^\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}$|', $this->params['x_exp_date'])) return true;

        return false;



    public function getResultResponse()


        return $this->results[0];



    public function getResultResponseFull()


        $response = array('', 'Approved', 'Declined', 'Error');

        return $response[$this->results[0]];



    public function isApproved()


        return $this->approved;



    public function isDeclined()


        return $this->declined;



    public function isError()


        return $this->error;



    public function isConfigError()


        $reasons = array(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36,

                        37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 64, 66, 67, 68,

                        69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,

                        97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114,

                        115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177,

                        178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 261, 270, 271);

        return in_array($this->getResponseCode(), $reasons);



    public function isTempError()


        $reasons = array(19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63);

        return in_array($this->getResponseCode(), $reasons);



    public function getResponseSubcode()


        return $this->results[1];



    public function getResponseCode()


        return $this->results[2];



    public function getResponseText()


        return $this->results[3];



    public function getAuthCode()


        return $this->results[4];



    public function getAVSResponse()


        return $this->results[5];



    public function getTransactionID()


        return $this->results[6];



    public function getInvoiceNumber()


        return $this->results[7];



    public function getDescription()


        return $this->results[8];



    public function getAmount()


        return $this->results[9];



    public function getPaymentMethod()


        return $this->results[10];



    public function getTransactionType()


        return $this->results[11];



    public function getCustomerID()


        return $this->results[12];



    public function getCHFirstName()


        return $this->results[13];



    public function getCHLastName()


        return $this->results[14];



    public function getCompany()


        return $this->results[15];



    public function getBillingAddress()


        return $this->results[16];



    public function getBillingCity()


        return $this->results[17];



    public function getBillingState()


        return $this->results[18];



    public function getBillingZip()


        return $this->results[19];



    public function getBillingCountry()


        return $this->results[20];



    public function getPhone()


        return $this->results[21];



    public function getFax()


        return $this->results[22];



    public function getEmail()


        return $this->results[23];



    public function getShippingFirstName()


        return $this->results[24];



    public function getShippingLastName()


        return $this->results[25];



    public function getShippingCompany()


        return $this->results[26];



    public function getShippingAddress()


        return $this->results[27];



    public function getShippingCity()


        return $this->results[28];



    public function getShippingState()


        return $this->results[29];



    public function getShippingZip()


        return $this->results[30];



    public function getShippingCountry()


        return $this->results[31];



    public function getTaxAmount()


        return $this->results[32];



    public function getDutyAmount()


        return $this->results[33];



    public function getFreightAmount()


        return $this->results[34];



    public function getTaxExemptFlag()


        return $this->results[35];



    public function getPONumber()


        return $this->results[36];



    public function getMD5Hash()


        return $this->results[37];



    public function getCVVResponse()


        return $this->results[38];



    public function getCAVVResponse()


        return $this->results[39];








// Include MySQL class


// Include database connection


// Include functions


// Start the session







    $payment = new AuthnetAIM();

    $payment->setTransaction($creditcard, $expiration, $total, $cvv, $invoice, $tax);

    $payment->setParameter("x_duplicate_window", 180);

    $payment->setParameter("x_cust_id", $user_id);

    $payment->setParameter("x_customer_ip", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

    $payment->setParameter("x_email", $email);

    $payment->setParameter("x_email_customer", FALSE);

    $payment->setParameter("x_first_name", $business_firstname);

    $payment->setParameter("x_last_name", $business_lastname);

    $payment->setParameter("x_address", $business_address);

    $payment->setParameter("x_city", $business_city);

    $payment->setParameter("x_state", $business_state);

    $payment->setParameter("x_zip", $business_zipcode);

    $payment->setParameter("x_phone", $business_telephone);

    $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_first_name", $shipping_firstname);

    $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_last_name", $shipping_lastname);

    $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_address", $shipping_address);

    $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_city", $shipping_city);

    $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_state", $shipping_state);

    $payment->setParameter("x_ship_to_zip", $shipping_zipcode);

    $payment->setParameter("x_description", $product);



    if ($payment->isApproved())


        // Get info from Authnet to store in the database

        $approval_code  = $payment->getAuthCode();

        $avs_result    = $payment->getAVSResponse();

        $transaction_id = $payment->getTransactionID();


        // Do stuff with this. Most likely store it in a database.


    else if ($payment->isDeclined())


        // Get reason for the decline from the bank. This always says,

        // "This credit card has been declined". Not very useful.

        $reason = $payment->getResponseText();


        // Politely tell the customer their card was declined

        // and to try a different form of payment


    else if ($payment->isError())


        // Get the error number so we can reference the Authnet

        // documentation and get an error description

        $error_number  = $payment->getResponseSubcode();

        $error_message = $payment->getResponseText();


        // Report the error to someone who can investigate it

        // and hopefully fix it


        // Notify the user of the error and request they contact

        // us for further assistance



catch (AuthnetAIMException $e)


    echo 'There was an error processing the transaction. Here is the error message: ';

    echo $e->__toString();




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