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Hidden fields and updating details from 2 tables


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I have a form, that has a hidden field. The hidden field is an email address called, original_email, which is the email address from the referer


The form, has fields such as name, email etc.


All the details are passed into a database, with 2 tables:

added_friends (id, name, email, entry_id, original_email) - is the table where, a second form details go (this is where fred@fredt.com can submit friends email addresses, such as fred@fredddd.com)

entries (id name, post_code, email, date_of_birth, last_visit, referer_id) - is the table where the form details are posted


What I'm looking to do, is:


1) The forms URL has the following passed: http://www.domain.com/index.php?name=craig&email=fred@fredt.com

2) Therefore the hidden field has a value of fred@fredt.com

3) User then changes his/her email address in the form to something else (i.e. fred@freddddd.com)

4) When user submits the form, his details are passed into the database.

5) fred@fredt.com has an id (e.g 25)

6) fred@freddddd.com has a refer_id column, which must be updated to include the id of fred@fredt.com (since he has refered him, so his refer_id will be 25)

7) fred@freddddd.com submits his details, his details are inserted into the db, check the added_friends table, get fred@fredt.com's id, insert this id into the entries table for fred@freddddd.com as the refer_id



My code is as follows:


require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/shared.php");
class IndexView extends Shared
function display_form($error_messages = array())
function _form($error_messages = array(), $unique_code = false)

			?><ul id="errors"><?php
			foreach($error_messages as $error)

		<table id="formReg">
		<form id="pizza_form" name="pizza_form" action="index.php" method="post">
			<td><input type="hidden" name="state" value="validate_submission"/></td>

			<td class="formLabel">Full name*</td>
			<td><?= create_input_field('', 'name', isset($_GET['name'])?$_GET['name']:'') ?></td>

			<td class="formLabel">Email*</td>
			<td><?= create_input_field('', 'email', isset($_GET['email'])?$_GET['email']:'') ?></td>

			<td><a href="#" onclick="clear_out_name_and_email();">Not your details?</a></td>	
			<td class="formLabel">Post Code*</td>
			<td><?= create_input_field('', 'post_code') ?></td>

			<td class="formLabel">Date Of Birth</td>
			<td><?= create_select_list('', 'dob_day', $options = $this->days_of_month_array() )?>
				<?= create_select_list('', 'dob_month', $options = $this->months_array() )?>
				<?= create_select_list('', 'dob_year', $options = $this->years_array() )?></td>

			<td>We all like to celebrate birthdays...</td>

			<td class="formLabel">Last Pizza express visit</td>
			<td><?= create_select_list('', 'last_visit', $options = $this->visits_array() )?></td>

			<td><input type="hidden" name="unique_code" id="unique_code" value="<?=$unique_code?>"/></td>

			<td class="formLabel"><?= create_check_box('agree_terms', '', $checked=0, '') ?></td>
			<td>I have read and agree to the voucher <a href="#" title="terms and conditions" onclick="popTerms();">terms and conditions</a></td>

			$orig_email = $_GET['email'];
			$orig_email = $_POST['original_email'];
			$orig_email = '';

			<td><input type="hidden" name="original_email" id="original_email" value="<?=$orig_email?>"/></td>
			<td><input type="image" src="../images/btn-submit.gif" alt="Click here to print your voucher" onclick="onsubmit(); return false;" /></td>

function display_voucher($row)
	$row['id'] = 'AB140-2008-' . $row['id'];

	<h1>Voucher for <?=$row['name']?></h1>

	<img src="barcode/wrapper.php?p_bcType=1&p_text=<?=$row['id']?>&p_xDim=2&p_w2n=3&p_charGap=2&p_invert=N&p_charHeight=60&p_type=1&p_label=Y&p_rotAngle=0&p_checkDigit=N" ALT="<?=$row['id']?>">

	Email: <?=$row['email']?>

	Dob: <?=make_db_date_into_english_date($row['date_of_birth'])?>

	<?php $visit_array = $this->visits_array(); ?>
	Last Visited: <?=$visit_array[$row['last_visit']]?>

	echo create_link($params = array('state' => 'clear_session'),
						 $file_name = 'index.php',
						 $text = 'New Voucher');
	<a href="JavaScript:window.print();">Print this page</a>

	<h2>Forward this offer to up to 5 friends</h2>	
	if(isset($_GET['message']) && $_GET['message'] == 'friends_were_added')
		?><p>Thanks, we have emailed your friends</p><?php
		<form name="friend_form" method="post" action="index.php">
			<input type="hidden" name="state" value="tell_friends"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="entry_id" value="<?=$row['id']?>"/>

				<label for="friend_name_<?=$i?>">Friend <?=$i?> Name</label>
				<?= create_input_field('', "friend_name_$i") ?>

				<label for="friend_email_<?=$i?>">Friend <?=$i?> Email</label>
				<?= create_input_field('', "friend_email_$i") ?>
			<input type="submit" value="submit"/>	
function days_of_month_array()
	$r = array('' => '');
		$r[$i] = $i;
	return $r;
function months_array()
	$r = array('' => '', '1' => 'Jan', '2' => 'Feb', '3' => 'Mar', '4' => 'Apr', '5' => "May", '6' => 'Jun', '7' => 'Jul', '8' => 'Aug', '9' => 'Sep', '10' => 'Oct', '11' => 'Nov', '12' => 'Dec');		
	return $r;
function years_array()
	$r = array('' => '');
		$r[$i] = $i;
	return $r;
function visits_array()
	return array('' => '',  'last_fornight' => 'Within the last fortnight', 
							'last_month' => 'Within the last month',
							'6_months' => 'Within the last 6 months',
							'over_1_year' => 'More that a year ago',
							'first_time' => 'This is my first time');




Any ideas?




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