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if else and while loops


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I have a table which has names of club members against certain duties.Each member has a membership no identifiying them.

So table might look like :

id, event, date, ood,safety,ood_id,s_id.

I want to be able to pick out all duties for a given membership no.

query might look like.

$query = "SELECT *,DATE_FORMAT(date, '%a-%d-%m-%Y') AS dr from table where ood_id='$id' or  s_id='$id'" ;
 $result = @mysql_query ($query); // Run the query.
 if (!$result) {
    die("Query error! query text: $query<br />Error: " . mysql_error());


Now I have tried two different if conditionals

$name = '';
  $duty = '';

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    if ($row['ood_id']==$id) {
        $name= $row['ood'];
        $duty='Race Officer';

    if ($row['s_id']==$id) {
        $name= $row['safety'];
//table here with $name $duty
}//end of while loop

and other try

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
  if ($row['ood_id']==$id) {
  $name= $row['ood'];
  $duty='Race Officer';
  ($row['s_id']==$id) {
  $name= $row['safety'];


Now the first conditional returns the last entry in the row and the second conditional returns the first record in the row.


How do I get all results per row?


I have been worrying away at this for some time and cannot see how to resolve.


Hope you can help

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Ok, sorry if not making myself clear.


I have tried two IF statements as above in two separate attempts to solve this problem.

In the row the fields would be something like.


Event: Race 5 of 6

OOD: Joe Bloggs

ood_id: 413

Safety:Jean Bloggs

S_id: 413.


This is much simplified as there are a number of other columns but this is the essence.


Using the ifelse version, Joe Bloggs and Race Officer, Race 5 of 6 2008-10-05 is returned

using the if version Jean Bloggs, Safety, Race 5 of 6 2008-10-05 is returned.


I need both to be returned. The search parameter is th $id.


Hope I have made myself clearer.






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What about


if ($row['ood_id']==$id) {
        $ood_name= $row['ood'];
        $ood_duty='Race Officer';

    if ($row['s_id']==$id) {
        $s_name= $row['safety'];


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Now we are talking. Naturally that works fine.


I need to limit the results to those that are actully retunred otherwise blank rows.


I had used a function to build the results. Now not delivering!

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    	if ($row['s2_id']==$id) {
        $name3= $row['safety2'];
}//end of while loop

function result-duty() {
echo "<table>";
    echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Name: </td>";
echo "<td>".$name."</td>";

echo "</table>";



The idea is that only those results that meet the conditions would be met. However, as $name is outside the loop it ain't working. As I said had this working before (deleted the test page) and cannot for the life of me see where I am going wrong

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Got it. Great what happens when you go away and come back to a problem.

Basically have just put a table in each of the conditions as per

    $name2= $row['safety'];
	<table width="40%" align="center" bgcolor="red">
	<td><?  echo $row['dr']?></td>
	<td><? echo $row['event']?></td>
	<? echo $name2?></td>

	<? echo $duty2?></td>


Now there may be a more elegant way of doing this but a least this works.

Thanks folks.

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