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a little more array help...


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code i am working with:



/*ini_set ("display_errors", "1");

include "includes/sql.php";

$id = 24;

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM added_projects WHERE id = '$id'")or die(mysql_error());

$results = mysql_fetch_object($query);

$checkbox_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM has_had_projects WHERE project = '" . $results->project . "'")or die(mysql_error());
$checkbox_results = mysql_fetch_object($checkbox_qry);

$field = mysql_num_fields($checkbox_qry);

	for($i = 2; $i < $field; $i++) {
		$names = mysql_field_name($checkbox_qry, $i);			
		$title .= $names . "<br />";
		/*$nobreak .= '"' . $names . '",';*/
	echo $title;



I am wanting to set the $names field into an array where the individual array values are the names of the individual SQL table column names... anyway of doing this?

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Like this?



/*ini_set ("display_errors", "1");

include "includes/sql.php";

$id = 24;

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM added_projects WHERE id = '$id'")or die(mysql_error());

$results = mysql_fetch_object($query);

$checkbox_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM has_had_projects WHERE project = '" . $results->project . "'")or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkbox_qry)){
	foreach ($row as $k=>$val){
		echo "Column $k is $val<br>";


Not sure exactly how you're wanting to echo the results.

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Then I don't know. That should ignore the first row. Look at the logic. $count is 0. The first row is grabbed, $count is still 0, it does nothing. Then, $count is incremented, so $count is no longer 0 and, therefore, each remaining row would be added to your $column variable.


It sounds like the row you're trying to remove is actually the second row or something.

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alrighty i will do some more digging about that one..


Heres another one for ya


I have this script here:


<?php $checkbox_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM has_had_projects WHERE project = '" . $results->project . "'")or die(mysql_error());

		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkbox_qry)) {
			foreach ($row as $k=>$val) {
			$column .= "Column $k is $val<br>";
			$values .= $val;

	if($values > 0) {
		$checked = 'checked = "checked"';
$field = mysql_num_fields($checkbox_qry);

for($i = 2; $i < $field; $i++) {
$names = mysql_field_name($checkbox_qry, $i);
$numbers = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0);																
$title .= '<div><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[' . $names . ']" class="checkbox" id="' . $names . '" ' . $checked . ' /> <label for="' . $names . '">' . ucwords(str_replace($numbers, "",$names)) . '</label></div>';
echo $title;


When the if($values > 0) runs it checkes all of the boxes instead of the ones with values great than 0 any ideas here?

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You want an example of what you're doing wrong? I know what you're doing wrong, but I don't know exactly what you want. Your code is kinda hard to follow. Your brackets {} appear to be off, but again, I don't know what you're trying to do.


The key is that you're using ONE value to assign the checked attribute, and the using it over and over. At one point, you assigned $checked to be 'checked = "checked"' and then you're using the same variable over and over and then expect it to be different in different cases.


See your problem?

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what I am trying to do is check the $val var and see if it equals 1 if it does then make the variable $chk = 'checked = "checked"';


Updated code:


while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkbox_qry)) {
	foreach ($row as $k=>$val) {
		$column .= "Column $k is $val<br>";
		$values .= $val;

if($values > 0) {
	$chk = 'checked = "checked"';

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OK, your code is adding $val to $values as a string (using the .= code), so if you had 1, 2, and 3, you would get 123, rather than 6. Then AFTER the loop, if $values (a string) is greater than 0 (a number) then they are ALL checked.


Are you trying to echo a checkbox for every value in the loop? If so, why isn't the echo inside the while loop?

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let me give you all of the code I am working with so you can see what I am trying to do


$checkbox_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM has_had_projects WHERE project = '" . $results->project . "'")or die(mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkbox_qry)) {
	foreach ($row as $k=>$val) {
	$column .= "Column $k is $val<br>";
	$values .= $val;

if($values > 0) {
	$chk = 'checked = "checked"';

$field = mysql_num_fields($checkbox_qry);

for($i = 2; $i < $field; $i++) {
	$names = mysql_field_name($checkbox_qry, $i);
	$numbers = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0);																
	$title .= '<div><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[' . $names . ']" class="checkbox" id="' . $names . '" ' . $chk . ' /> <label for="' . $names . '">' . ucwords(str_replace($numbers, "",$names)) . '</label></div>';
	echo $title;


I have placed the $chk var in the $title var as to say if it is greater than 0 display checked="checked"... does this help?

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if($values > 0) {
$chk = 'checked = "checked"';
$title .= '<div><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[' . $names . ']" class="checkbox" id="' . $names . '" ' . $chk . ' /> <label for="' . $names . '">' . ucwords(str_replace($numbers, "",$names)) . '</label></div>';
echo $title;


I have placed the $chk var in the $title var as to say if it is greater than 0 display checked="checked"... does this help?


Do you understand what I said about string vs. numeric?? Variable $values is a string, not a number. Therefore, "if ($values >0) {" doesn't make sense to PHP.


Also, because you're assigning $chk outside of ANY loop, it will only ever have ONE value.


Assuming you don't want EVERY checkbox checked, what SHOULD determine if it is checked? Is it $val being greater than zero?


Again I ask, why don't you do the echo in the while loop??

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ah gotcha sorry i have been working on several things today and that for some reason I was over looking :P


Here is the updated code:


$checkbox_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM has_had_projects WHERE project = '" . $results->project . "'")or die(mysql_error());

$field = mysql_num_fields($checkbox_qry);

for($i = 2; $i < $field; $i++) {
	$names = mysql_field_name($checkbox_qry, $i);
	$numbers = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0);																
$title .= '<div><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[' . $names . ']" class="checkbox" id="' . $names . '" /> <label for="' . $names . '">' . ucwords(str_replace($numbers, "",$names)) . '</label></div>';

	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkbox_qry)) {
		foreach ($row as $k=>$val) {
		$column .= "Column $k is $val<br>";
		$values .= $val;
	echo $title;


And yes what determines the check is if $val > 0... how would i accomplish this?

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OK, I see you've moved some things around, and you still didn't answer my question, so I'll assume it won't be a problem to do it all in the loop. Will this work for you?


$checkbox_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM has_had_projects WHERE project = '" . $results->project . "'")or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkbox_qry)) {
foreach ($row as $k=>$val) {
	$chk = $val>0?'checked = "checked"':"";
	echo '<div><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[' . $k . ']" class="checkbox" id="' . $k . '" ' . $chk . ' /> <label for="checkboxes[' . $k . '">' . ucwords($val) . '</label></div>';


Again, don't know exactly what you're doing, but there ya go.

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it works like a charm :) and actually you left off a bracket.


Now here is one more thing!


The $k is displaying the mysql table column names and I need it to not display the first two... anyway of doing that with your code?


update code:


$checkbox_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM has_had_projects WHERE project = '" . $results->project . "'")or die(mysql_error());
	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkbox_qry)) {
		foreach ($row as $k=>$val) {
		$chk = $val>0?'checked = "checked"':"";
		$numbers = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0);
		echo '<div><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[' . $k . ']" class="checkbox" id="' . $k . '" ' . $chk . ' /> <label for="checkboxes[' . $k . '">' . ucwords(str_replace($numbers, '', $k)) . '</label></div>';

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$checkbox_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM has_had_projects WHERE project = '" . $results->project . "'")or die(mysql_error());
$count = 1;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkbox_qry)) {
if ($count > 2) { // just change the 2 to however many rows you want to skip
	foreach ($row as $k=>$val) {
		$chk = $val>0?'checked = "checked"':"";
		$numbers = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0);
		echo '<div><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[' . $k . ']" class="checkbox" id="' . $k . '" ' . $chk . ' /> <label for="checkboxes[' . $k . '">' . ucwords(str_replace($numbers, '', $k)) . '</label></div>';

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