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I installed free contact form on a site using PHP Version 3.0.14 and the script failed.


I get the following error.


Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function array_search() in config.php on line 121



Here is the contents of the config.php


Can this be changed to work with 3.0.14



// error_reporting(E_ALL); // uncomment this to show errors
// ini_set('display_errors', '1'); // uncomment this to show errors
Author: Stuart Cochrane
URL: www.freecontactform.com
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26th July 2007
Version: 3.0 Beta 2
Updates: Additional protection from human compromise
License: Free to use and edit,
but all comments and must remain intact.
Link to author website MUST remain -
unless you have purchased the rights to
remove it!! - see README file for details.

ALSO READ installation.txt for install details and change log

// script name of your contact form
$form_page_name = "form.php";

/* where to send emails to */
$email_it_to = "[email protected]";

// email subject line
$email_subject = "Contact Us Form";

// email subject line - used on suspected form hack attempts
// for example, if someone enters HTML or scripts into the form - it will be removed
// if you choose to receive these cleaned up emails, you can set the subject line
// this lets you filter them out in your email client or mail server
$email_suspected_spam = "*SUSPECT Contact Us Form";

// do you wish to receive emails which had HTML or SCRIPTS (code will be stripped)?
$accept_suspected_hack = "no"; // change to "no" to silently reject

// success page - the page the user gets when the form is successful
$success_page = "thankyou.php";
// OR
// if you prefer to have the user sent back to the contact form (with a confirmation message shown)
$send_back_to_form = "yes"; // change to "no" to redirect to above $success_page

// failure page - can be html or php (use php if you want to show actual error message, see next declaration)
$failure_page = "form_error.php";

// do you want to receive an error messaage passed into your failure page
$failure_accept_message = "yes";

// if $send_back_to_form is set to "yes", set your confirmation message bellow
$confirmation_message = "Thank you, we have received your message and will be in touch if required.";

/* your secret unique code used as part of our encryption */
// please edit the values within the double quotes.
// only use a-zA-Z0-9, other characters have been found to cause problems
// keep the string length to 3,6,9 or 12 characters long
$mkMine = "D9ot4yUjgEr3";


if(phpversion() < "5.1") {
// date setting should be fine
} else {
// feel free to edit the value as desired

/* your unique question and answer section */

// if you want to keep the default random maths questions
// just leave the next few lines as they are.
$rnumA = rand(0,9);
$rnumB = rand(0,9);

// if you want to create your own custom question and answer
// edit the two lines below.
$question = "$rnumA plus $rnumB?";
$answer = $rnumA+$rnumB;

    class encdec {
        // __construct
        function encdec() {
            $this->cseta = $this->charset_a();
            $this->csetb = $this->charset_b();
        // public
        function encrypt($s) {
            $s = str_replace(" ", "", $s);
            $s = base64_encode(trim($s));
            $a = $this->charset_a();
            $b = $this->charset_b();
            $len = strlen($s);
            $new = "";
            for($i=0; $i < $len; $i++){
            $new .= $b[array_search($s[$i],$a)];
            return $new;
        // public
        function decrypt($s) {
            $a = $this->charset_a();
            $b = $this->charset_b();
            $len = strlen($s);
            $new = "";
            for($i=0; $i < $len; $i++){
            $new .= $a[array_search($s[$i],$b)];
            return trim(base64_decode($new));
        // protected
        function charset_a() {
            return array("a","b","c","j","7","8","9","A","B",
        // protected
        function charset_b() {
            return array("G","H","o","p","z","q","r","s","t",
    // PHP 5 version - comment out the above class and use this one if you have PHP 5
    class encdec {
        private $cseta;
        private $csetb;
        function __construct() {
            $this->cseta = $this->charset_a();
            $this->csetb = $this->charset_b();
        public function encrypt($s) {
            $s = str_replace(" ", "", $s);
            $s = base64_encode(trim($s));
            $a = $this->cseta;
            $b = $this->csetb;
            $len = strlen($s);
            $new = "";
            for($i=0; $i < $len; $i++){
            $new .= $b[array_search($s[$i],$a)];
            return $new;

        public function decrypt($s) {
            $a = $this->cseta;
            $b = $this->csetb;
            $len = strlen($s);
            $new = "";
            for($i=0; $i < $len; $i++){
            $new .= $a[array_search($s[$i],$b)];
            return trim(base64_decode($new));

        protected function charset_a() {
            return array("a","b","c","j","7","8","9","A","B",

        protected function charset_b() {
            return array("G","H","o","p","z","q","r","s","t",

$e = new encdec;

// pass the answer into the function below
$answer_pass = $e->encrypt($answer);

$mkNow = date("YmdHi");
$enc = $e->encrypt($mkNow)."::".$e->encrypt($mkMine);

function valEncStr($s,$m) {
$sides = explode("::", $s);
$f = new encdec;
$sides[0] = $f->decrypt($sides[0]);
$sides[1] = $f->decrypt($sides[1]);
if(!count($sides) == 2) {
  $error = "String invalid!";

// compare date/time
$plTime = date("YmdHi",mktime(date("H"),date("i")+60));
$msTime = date("YmdHi",mktime(date("H"),date("i")-60));

if($sides[0] > $plTime || $sides[0] < $msTime) {
  $error = "Date not valid!";

// compare custom word
if(!$m == $sides[1]) {
  $error = "words do not match!";

if(isset($error)) {
  return $error;
} else {
  return true;



You would need to write a function that emulates (to the extent of how the script makes use of it) the operation of the array_search() function. I'm going to guess there are probably other functions that the code is using that are also not present in php3, but it halted when it encountered the first one.


It would also take knowing what data is being operated on by the code (it looks like a substitution and an array index/value rather than a search could probably be used.)

In looking at the code more closely, it is apparently trying to do its' own encryption/decryption, I would guess because it is passing the answer to a captcha question through the form instead of keeping it on the server in a session (I don't know if php3 supports sessions or any built in encryption/decryption that would allow you to totally replace the functionally of what the code is doing.)


Are you using the math question/answer captcha that this script provides? If not, than you could eliminate the code that supports this and hopefully get to the point where it is not using any functionality that is not present in php3.

I looked at the latest version of that script and I suspect that it or any other modern script will use a large number of built in php functions that are not available under php3.


Just for the purpose of determining how many unsupported or undefined functions are actually being used, you could keep adding dummy function definitions to satisfy the code until you get it to the point of at least executing all the way through. That would give you a list of functions that you either need to write code for or find and eliminate that functionality from the script.


Even if you try a totally different script, you will run into similar problems due to the age of the php version.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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