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I want to match all <iframe> ements.


To be more specific , let the text :

$text='<iframe src ="/default.asp" width="100%"> </iframe><Iframe longdesc="Hello" src="a.php"></iframe>

<iframe src="b.php" longdesc="Hi">Hello world</iframe>';


I want to check $text and print :

I found 3 <iframe> elements,  but only 1 <iframe> of them, has both longdesc attibute and text between <iframe></iframe>.


Could somebody help me ?



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Here is my shot at it:


$data = <<<DATA
text='<iframe src ="/default.asp" width="100%"> </iframe><Iframe longdesc="Hello" src="a.php"></iframe>
<iframe src="b.php" longdesc="Hi">Hello world</iframe>';

$dataSplit = preg_split('#</iframe>#i', $data);
array_pop($dataSplit); // delete last key in array...
echo 'I found '. count($dataSplit) . ' < iframe > elements';

$attributeAndTextCount = 0;
foreach($dataSplit as $val){
   if(preg_match('#[^<]*<iframe([^>]+)>([^\r\n\s]+)#i', $val, $match)){

   echo ' and ' . $attributeAndTextCount . ' of them has both the longdesc attibute and text between < iframe >< /iframe >.';
} else {
   echo '.';



I found 3 < iframe > elements and 1 of them has both the longdesc attibute and text between < iframe >< /iframe >.


Ok, I think in my last attempt, there were some issues.. I have made some refinements:


$data = <<<DATA
text='<iframe src ="/default.asp" width="100%"> </iframe><Iframe longdesc="Hello" src="a.php"></iframe>
<iframe src="b.php" longdesc="Hi">Hello world</iframe>';

// find all matching <iframe> tags...
preg_match_all('#(<iframe[^>]*>[^<]*</iframe>)#i', $data, $matches);
echo 'I found '. count($matches[0]) . ' matching < iframe > elements';

$attributeAndTextCount = 0;
foreach($matches[0] as $val){
   if(preg_match('#[^<]*<iframe.+?longdesc="[^"]+"(?:[^>]+)?>.+</iframe>#i', $val, $v)){

   echo ' and ' . $attributeAndTextCount . ' of them has both the longdesc attibute and text between < iframe >< /iframe >.';
} else {
   echo '.';


This solution should work out much better than the last one.





No problem.


Looking back at the preg regex inside the foreach loop for $matches[0], I still had some remnant code in the first half of the pattern from the first iteration I did..

It doesn't effect the outcome granted.


That preg could be replaced with:


if(preg_match('#.+?longdesc="[^"]+"(?:[^>]+)?>.+</iframe>#i', $val, $v)){ // I eliminated the '[^<]*<iframe' part from the beginning.

I want to check $text and print :

I found 3 <iframe> elements,  but only 1 <iframe> of them, has both longdesc attibute and text between <iframe></iframe>.


Could somebody help me ?



$text='<iframe src ="/default.asp" width="100%"> </iframe><Iframe longdesc="Hello" src="a.php"></iframe><iframe src="b.php" longdesc="Hi">Hello world</iframe>';
$iframes = split("</iframe>",$text);
foreach( $iframes as $k=>$v){
    if ( strpos($v,"<Iframe longdesc") !==FALSE){
        echo "Found";

The code does not work for site http://www.contra.gr


Is there another solution ?


Ah.. ok.. This is a newer version.. it should hopefully solve things:


// find all matching <iframe> tags...
preg_match_all('#(<iframe[^>]*>.*?</iframe>)#si', $data, $matches);
echo 'I found '. count($matches[0]) . ' matching < iframe > elements';

$attributeAndTextCount = 0;
foreach($matches[0] as $val){
if(preg_match('#longdesc="[^"]+"#i', $val)){

echo ' and ' . $attributeAndTextCount . ' of them has both the longdesc attibute and text between < iframe >< /iframe >.';
} else {
echo '.';


It is now even more refined and efficient than before. Please let me know if that new pattern works out or not.







Maybe because between <iframe> and </iframe > does not exist text And in the first regular expression you use [^<]*


A handy way to find out.. is to right-click on the site, select 'View Page Source' (or something to that effect.. the wording depends on the browser), and it should open the source code in a new tab. Go to that new tab, then hit F3 (this should be relatively universal across major up-to-date browsers).. this brings up a seach field of some sort..(it may be built into the interface somewhere as opposed to a floating window) type in '<iframe>', and if there is any instances that exist, the browser should highlight those keywords in the source code.. there is usually some form of 'next' or previous' that you can use to jump to multiple instances of this keyword.. hope this helps out.. so yes, http://www.contra.gr contains <iframe> tags.

In my last post, be sure to pay attention to (and use) this line:


if(preg_match('#longdesc="[^"]+"#i', $val)){


as well as the new pattern, as this has been revamped to be more simplified and effective.





This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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