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[SOLVED] Newbie problem with dates


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Im new to PHP and programming as a whole, I need some help with this problem with dates, I need to increment the date by 2 months so thats there is an exp[iry date 2 months from current date. However for some reason I can't get this to work and my code has turned into a right mess. It was working but now we are in the 10th month and it now sets the expiry date to 02 and not 12.........There must be a better way to do this?????? Please help.......


Existing code:


//Set date

$add= date('Y/m/d');


// Break apart date

$nadd = explode("/", $add);


// Trim the integer if it is less than 10

  if ($nadd[1] < 10){ $nads = ltrim($nadd[1], '0'); }

  $nadd[1] = $nads + $run;


// Check if value after calculation is still below 10 if it is then add back the leading zero

  if ($nadd[1] < 10){ $nadd[1] = 0 . $nadd[1]; }


// Set all the segments of the array

$newad = array($nadd[0] , $nadd[1] , $nadd[2]);


// Join the date string back together

$dies = implode("/", $newad);



I know this code is poor, but I dont know any better at present, any help would be useful.


Thanks in advance


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you can use mktime() which will create a unix timestamp and add 2 months to the months.

$newdate=mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m')+2, date('d'), date('Y'));
echo date('Y/m/d', $newdate);

results: 2008/10/06


Thank you so much, that sure is efficient code, christ mine was terrible....

Thanks again!! :-)

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Use strtotime(). It is designed for this.


$olddate = date('Y-m-d'); // input date
$newdate = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("$olddate +2 months")); // output date


Thanks also a very good version, works great.........Thank you!!

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