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Need help with an old script - phpLibrary


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I've just put in an old script I found on the 'net. Please bear in mind I have a very very limited knowlege of php and MySQL! This application has enormous benefits to me and I really need to get it running as fast as possible (within the next few days if I can!) but support is non-existant for it. I've been playing with it for hours with no luck - just altering by trial and error, and putting it back the way it was if it didn't work.


I've got the database up finally after much fiddling with it and manually writing my user info into the database but now I'm getting the 'cannot modify header information - headers already sent in' error. I can't fix it by myself! Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm guessing that it's got something to do with it being so old and not written for php5?  ???


Many grateful thanks in advance for any help at all figuring this out!  :)


Here's the error:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /mounted-storage/home20a/sub001/sc20161-BVNV/earth2ocean.co.nz/staff/library/index.php on line 62


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mounted-storage/home20a/sub001/sc20161-BVNV/earth2ocean.co.nz/staff/library/index.php:62) in /mounted-storage/home20a/sub001/sc20161-BVNV/earth2ocean.co.nz/staff/library/index.php on line 63


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mounted-storage/home20a/sub001/sc20161-BVNV/earth2ocean.co.nz/staff/library/index.php:62) in /mounted-storage/home20a/sub001/sc20161-BVNV/earth2ocean.co.nz/staff/library/index.php on line 64


Here's the code on the page:

//             PHP Item Library - Sebastian Flippence               //
//                   http://www.sebflipper.com                      //
//                        Main Script File                          //
//                                                                  //
//                     Last Updated: 29/03/03                       //

// Beginning PHP
// Program Version 
$library_ver = "v1.0";
$library_ver_date = "09/07/2003";

$setup = false;
// Loading configuration file for the rest of the modules use
// dirname(__FILE__) is a command use to get the location of the script (eg C:\Program Files\EasyPHP\www or /user/bin/hostname/etc)
// If is does then load it into the script
require dirname(__FILE__)."/library.config.inc.php";

if ($db==false) {
	$setup = true;
	$library_name = "Library Setup";
	$user_id = 1;

// Checking lastest version
$fp=@fopen("http://www.ffhut.co.uk/~sebflipper/phplibrary_version.php?url=http://$SERVER_NAME$PHP_SELF", "r");
$library_current_ver = fgets($fp, 1024);
if($library_current_ver==false) {
$library_current_ver = "Error Connecting";

// Logout
if ($module=="logout")
header ("Location: $PHP_SELF?cookie_set=false");

// Cookie area (used to set a login cookie and delete it when they logout)
if ($cookie_set==true)
if ($login==true)
	// Making sure the form is not blank
	if ($username==true && $password==true)
		// Setting login cookie 
		// Encripting the password with MD5
		$password = md5($password);

		setcookie ("PHPLibrary[username]", $username);
		setcookie ("PHPLibrary[password]", $password);
		header ("Location:$PHP_SELF?module=home");
		// If they haven't filled out the login form show error
	    echo "<html><body><script language=javascript1.1>alert('Please fill out the required fields'); javascript:history.back();</script><noscript>Your browser doesn't support JavaScript 1.1 or it's turned off in your browsers preferences.</noscript></body></html>";
	// Else loging out (deletes the cookie)
	setcookie ("PHPLibrary[username]");
	setcookie ("PHPLibrary[password]");
	setcookie ("PHPLibrary[items]");
	header ("Location: $PHP_SELF");

// Checking and Adding Module
// Setting the page to login, if they have not set a module to go to
if ($module==false) { 
if ($PHPLibrary[username]==true && $PHPLibrary[password]==true) {
	$module = "home";
	if ($header_footer!="no") {
		// Adding the header file
		include "header.inc.php";
	if ($setup==true) {
		require dirname(__FILE__)."/modules/setup.php";
		require dirname(__FILE__)."/modules/login.php";
// Making sure they are not trying to view a module without a cookie
if ($PHPLibrary[username]==false || $PHPLibrary[password]==false)
	if ($header_footer!="no") {
		// Adding the header file
		include "header.inc.php";
	require dirname(__FILE__)."/modules/login.php";

// Checking for a cookie
if ($PHPLibrary[username]==true && $PHPLibrary[password]==true)

$cookie_username = $PHPLibrary[username];
$cookie_password = $PHPLibrary[password];
// Checking the cookie's user name and password againsts the real one in the database
$authenticate_mysql = mysql_query("SELECT `id`,`username`,`password`,`name` FROM `$mysql_pre$mysql_admin` WHERE `username` = '$cookie_username' AND `password` = '$cookie_password' LIMIT 0, 1",$db);
$authenticate_results = mysql_fetch_array($authenticate_mysql);

$real_username = $authenticate_results["username"];
$real_password = $authenticate_results["password"];
// Just here I have used echo commands to output the some of the variables 

if ($PHPLibrary[username]=="$real_username" && $PHPLibrary[password]=="$real_password")
	// Cookie Login is correct
	// Displaying admin centre

	// Getting the user id for use the accounts module
	$user_id = $authenticate_results["id"];
	$user_full_name = $authenticate_results["name"]; 

	if ($header_footer!="no") {
		// Adding the header file
		include "header.inc.php";

	// Adding Module
	// Checking that the file exists
		// If is does then load it into the script
		require dirname(__FILE__)."/modules/".$module.".php";
		// If is doesn't then display an error message
		// The \ next to the " stops the echo command from ending
		echo("<a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">Back</a><br><br>\n<b>ERROR: Cannot find Module!</b>\n");

	// Cookie Login is incorrect
	echo "<html><body><script language=javascript1.1>alert('Invalid Username or Password'); window.location='$PHP_SELF?cookie_set=true';</script><noscript>Your browser doesn't support JavaScript 1.1 or it's turned off in your browsers preferences.</noscript></body></html>";

if ($header_footer!="no") {
// Adding the footer file
include "footer.inc.php";

// End of PHP!


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Actually, I've just been back into some of the other files. Nothing is written to the database so it would appear that the whole install failed!


Is there anyone out there smart enough to work with this and make it run? Or failing that to point me in the direction of a very simple script out there from which I can library things? Doesn't matter what it is built to library as long as I can edit categories and add/delete items, add a list of people who are borrowing them, and keep track of the things that haven't come back on time.

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