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Okay, so I have looked around and I have had no luck finding any tutorial on how to write the wildcard search patterns at all.


What I'm searching for:

href="http://mysite.com/url.php?sid=randomcharacters" ..............


What I'd like to end up with:

href="http://mysite.com/second_url.php" .............


Any help would be much appreciated :D

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$str = 'bla bla <a href="http://mysite.com/url.php?sid=jhgfrt6757890iuhygf">link text</a> bla bla';
$second_url = 'http://mysite.com/second_url.php';
$find = '~(<a.+?href=")http://mysite\.com/url\.php\?sid=.+?"~is';
$replace = '$1' . $second_url . '"';
$str = preg_replace($find, $replace, $str);


Will replace hrefs with your specified URL with hrefs with the second URL. Link classes, ids, styles, etc. will be retained. If the search URL has other parameters, those will also be removed/replaced (e.g. http://mysite.com/url.php?sid=randomcharacters&name=test&ref=noone). The 'wildcard' used is .+?, meaning any character one or more times. The ? makes it un-greedy, stopping the match before the first found double quote (because we have a double quote just after the ?).

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He is using ~ as his delimeter since he is dealing with a url which already contains /  (the common delimeter people use). i = insensitive, s... is another modifier I don't know off hand


Be more specific about how it didn't work, what was the result you got, and what should it have been?

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If you really needed it as a regex solution:


$str = 'href="http://mysite.com/url.php?sid=randomcharacters"';
preg_match('#^(.+?\.php)#', $str, $match);
echo $match[1] . '"';





EDIT: Ok.. I re-read the OP.. So if I understand correctly, you want to find a segment of a string that contains that example url and isolate the section of that url?

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So perhaps something like this?


$str = 'I am going to link to say href="http://mysite.com/url.php?sid=randomcharacters" and make lots of money through ad pay-by-clicks!';
preg_match('#(href.+?\.php)#', $str, $match);
echo $match[1] . '"';





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Okay, if it's simply any href (but as a HTML attribute), try


$str = 'bla bla <a href="http://mysite.com/url.php?sid=jhgfrt6757890iuhygf">link text</a> bla bla';
$second_url = 'http://mysite.com/second_url.php';
$find = '~(<.+?href=")http://mysite\.com/url\.php\?sid=.+?"~is';
$replace = '$1' . $second_url . '"';
$str = preg_replace($find, $replace, $str);


Else explain in detail why this isn't what you're looking for.

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