poleposters Posted October 8, 2008 Share Posted October 8, 2008 I found this great three tiered chained select on dynamic drive. It works great in firefox, but when I tested it in explorer it wouldn't work. None of the select options loaded. There are three files. With quite a bit of code. I don't expect anyone to go through it line by liine, but if anyone can give me some general ideas on how to attack this, it would be appreciated. This is an excerpt from the form page <script language="javascript" src="chainedmenu.js"> /*********************************************** * Chained Select Menu- By Xin Yang (http://www.yxscripts.com/) & Dynamic Drive (http://dynamicdrive.com) * Script featured on/available at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ * Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code * This notice must stay intact for legal use! ***********************************************/ </script> <script language="javascript" src="config.js"></script> </head> <body onLoad="initListGroup('chainedmenu', document.listmenu0.firstlevel, document.listmenu0.secondlevel, document.listmenu0.thirdlevel, 'saveit')"> <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="90%"><tr><td> <form name="listmenu0"> <table align="center"><tr> <td><select name="firstlevel" style="width:180px;"></select></td> <td><select name="secondlevel" style="width:160px;"></select></td> <td><select name="thirdlevel" style="width:160px;"></select></td> <td><input type="button" value="Go" onClick="goListGroup(document.listmenu0.firstlevel, document.listmenu0.secondlevel, document.listmenu0.thirdlevel)"> <input type="button" value="Reset" onClick="resetListGroup('chainedmenu')"> </tr></table> </form> And this is the javascript file // Chained Menu // Copyright Xin Yang 2004 // Web Site: www.yxScripts.com // EMail: [email protected] // Last Updated: 2004-08-23 // This script is free as long as the copyright notice remains intact. var _disable_empty_list=false; var _hide_empty_list=false; // ------ ///// DynamicDrive.com added function///////////// var onclickaction="alert" function goListGroup(){ for (i=arguments.length-1;i>=0; i--){ if (arguments[i].selectedIndex!=-1){ var selectedOptionvalue=arguments[i].options[arguments[i].selectedIndex].value if (selectedOptionvalue!=""){ if (onclickaction=="alert") alert(selectedOptionvalue) else if (newwindow==1) window.open(selectedOptionvalue) else window.location=selectedOptionvalue break } } } } ///// END DynamicDrive.com added function////// if (typeof(disable_empty_list)=="undefined") { disable_empty_list=_disable_empty_list; } if (typeof(hide_empty_list)=="undefined") { hide_empty_list=_hide_empty_list; } var cs_goodContent=true, cs_M="M", cs_L="L", cs_curTop=null, cs_curSub=null; function cs_findOBJ(obj,n) { for (var i=0; i<obj.length; i++) { if (obj[i].name==n) { return obj[i]; } } return null; } function cs_findContent(n) { return cs_findOBJ(cs_content,n); } function cs_findM(m,n) { if (m.name==n) { return m; } var sm=null; for (var i=0; i<m.items.length; i++) { if (m.items[i].type==cs_M) { sm=cs_findM(m.items[i],n); if (sm!=null) { break; } } } return sm; } function cs_findMenu(n) { return (cs_curSub!=null && cs_curSub.name==n)?cs_curSub:cs_findM(cs_curTop,n); } function cs_contentOBJ(n,obj){ this.name=n; this.menu=obj; this.lists=new Array(); this.cookie=""; }; cs_content=new Array(); function cs_topmenuOBJ(tm) { this.name=tm; this.items=new Array(); this.df=0; this.addM=cs_addM; this.addL=cs_addL; } function cs_submenuOBJ(dis,link,sub) { this.name=sub; this.type=cs_M; this.dis=dis; this.link=link; this.df=0; var x=cs_findMenu(sub); this.items=x==null?new Array():x.items; this.addM=cs_addM; this.addL=cs_addL; } function cs_linkOBJ(dis,link) { this.type=cs_L; this.dis=dis; this.link=link; } function cs_addM(dis,link,sub) { this.items[this.items.length]=new cs_submenuOBJ(dis,link,sub); } function cs_addL(dis,link) { this.items[this.items.length]=new cs_linkOBJ(dis,link); } function cs_showMsg(msg) { window.status=msg; } function cs_badContent(n) { cs_goodContent=false; cs_showMsg("["+n+"] Not Found."); } function cs_optionOBJ(text,value) { this.text=text; this.value=value; } function cs_emptyList(list) { for (var i=list.options.length-1; i>=0; i--) { list.options[i]=null; } } function cs_refreshList(list,opt,df) { cs_emptyList(list); for (var i=0; i<opt.length; i++) { list.options[i]=new Option(opt[i].text, opt[i].value); } if (opt.length>0) { list.selectedIndex=df; } } function cs_getOptions(menu) { var opt=new Array(); for (var i=0; i<menu.items.length; i++) { opt[i]=new cs_optionOBJ(menu.items[i].dis, menu.items[i].link); } return opt; } function cs_updateListGroup(content,idx,sidx,mode) { var i=0, curItem=null, menu=content.menu; while (i<idx) { menu=menu.items[content.lists[i++].selectedIndex]; } if (menu.items[sidx].type==cs_M && idx<content.lists.length-1) { var df=cs_getIdx(mode,content.cookie,idx+1,menu.items[sidx].df); cs_refreshList(content.lists[idx+1], cs_getOptions(menu.items[sidx]), df); if (content.cookie) { cs_setCookie(content.cookie+"_"+(idx+1),df); } if (idx+1<content.lists.length) { if (disable_empty_list) { content.lists[idx+1].disabled=false; } if (hide_empty_list) { content.lists[idx+1].style.display=""; } cs_updateListGroup(content,idx+1,df,mode); } } else { for (var s=idx+1; s<content.lists.length; s++) { cs_emptyList(content.lists[s]); if (disable_empty_list) { content.lists[s].disabled=true; } if (hide_empty_list) { content.lists[s].style.display="none"; } if (content.cookie) { cs_setCookie(content.cookie+"_"+s,""); } } } } function cs_initListGroup(content,mode) { var df=cs_getIdx(mode,content.cookie,0,content.menu.df); cs_refreshList(content.lists[0], cs_getOptions(content.menu), df); if (content.cookie) { cs_setCookie(content.cookie+"_"+0,df); } cs_updateListGroup(content,0,df,mode); } function cs_updateList() { var content=this.content; for (var i=0; i<content.lists.length; i++) { if (content.lists[i]==this) { if (content.cookie) { cs_setCookie(content.cookie+"_"+i,this.selectedIndex); } if (i<content.lists.length-1) { cs_updateListGroup(content,i,this.selectedIndex,""); } } } } function cs_getIdx(mode,name,idx,df) { if (mode) { var cs_idx=cs_getCookie(name+"_"+idx); if (cs_idx!="") { df=parseInt(cs_idx); } } return df; } function _setCookie(name, value) { document.cookie=name+"="+value; } function cs_setCookie(name, value) { setTimeout("_setCookie('"+name+"','"+value+"')",0); } function cs_getCookie(name) { var cookieRE=new RegExp(name+"=([^;]+)"); if (document.cookie.search(cookieRE)!=-1) { return RegExp.$1; } else { return ""; } } // ---- function addListGroup(n,tm) { if (cs_goodContent) { cs_curTop=new cs_topmenuOBJ(tm); cs_curSub=null; var c=cs_findContent(n); if (c==null) { cs_content[cs_content.length]=new cs_contentOBJ(n,cs_curTop); } else { delete(c.menu); c.menu=cs_curTop; } } } function addList(n,dis,link,sub,df) { if (cs_goodContent) { cs_curSub=cs_findMenu(n); if (cs_curSub!=null) { cs_curSub.addM(dis,link||"",sub); if (typeof(df)!="undefined") { cs_curSub.df=cs_curSub.items.length-1; } } else { cs_badContent(n); } } } function addOption(n,dis,link,df) { if (cs_goodContent) { cs_curSub=cs_findMenu(n); if (cs_curSub!=null) { cs_curSub.addL(dis,link||""); if (typeof(df)!="undefined") { cs_curSub.df=cs_curSub.items.length-1; } } else { cs_badContent(n); } } } function initListGroup(n) { var _content=cs_findContent(n), count=0; if (_content!=null) { content=new cs_contentOBJ("cs_"+n,_content.menu); cs_content[cs_content.length]=content; for (var i=1; i<initListGroup.arguments.length; i++) { if (typeof(arguments[i])=="object" && arguments[i].tagName && arguments[i].tagName=="SELECT") { content.lists[count]=arguments[i]; arguments[i].onchange=cs_updateList; arguments[i].content=content; arguments[i].idx=count++; } else if (typeof(arguments[i])=="string" && /^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/.test(arguments[i])) { content.cookie=arguments[i]; } } if (content.lists.length>0) { cs_initListGroup(content,content.cookie); } } } function resetListGroup(n) { var content=cs_findContent("cs_"+n); if (content!=null && content.lists.length>0) { cs_initListGroup(content,""); } } // ------ Any ideas would be appreciated. I'm quite new to javascript/ajax. I can't understand why it should work in one browser and not the other. Thank you. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/127586-solved-chained-select-works-in-firefox-but-not-ie-any-ideas/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
poleposters Posted October 9, 2008 Author Share Posted October 9, 2008 SOLVED! I found another forum which mentioned a common problem. If there is a div with the id "content" the javascript in IE gets confused. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/127586-solved-chained-select-works-in-firefox-but-not-ie-any-ideas/#findComment-660694 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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