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I have a main page containing an ajax file inside

inside the ajax file, small and large images are retrived from a mysql database, the large images are inside a hidden div, onmouseover on the small pic, the hidden frame is visible and the large image appears, there is also a pagination inside the ajax file to show the next 12 images


I need to make sure the large images are preloaded, the site is still offline, i am worried that online onmouseover, the largeimage wont appear cause it is not loaded yet


I need to make sure the large images are prelaoded

Many Thanks

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a image-preloader in php is not possible, sure you can do this somehow but php walk on your SERVER and the images loading in the CLIENT


so you can use a javascript preloader like this:



/* properties */

url	= "bilder.html";		// rerouting quit after charging

progress= new Array(	"bin.png",	// the name of the file should be loaded

/* properties end */

var x;
function preload()
p	= new Array();
x	= 0;

	p[i]		= new Image();
	p[i].onabort 	= update;
	p[i].onerror 	= update;
	p[i].onload  	= update;
	p[i].src	= progress[i];

function update()

(document.all) ?
dom=document.all["loadausgabe"] :

dom.innerHTML= x+" from "+progress.length+" Images loaded.<br>"+pro+" %";

if(pro==100) location.href=url;

<body onload="preload()" bgcolor=#617691>
<table width=100% height=100% align=center>
<td align=center>
	<table align=center width=210 height=20>
		<td align=left width=210 valign=top height=20>
			<img src=loadbar.gif>
		<td align=left width=210 valign=top height=20>
			<img src=balken.gif height=5 width=0 name=balken>
		<td align=left width=210 valign=top height=20>
			<div id="loadausgabe" style="font:10px verdana;color:ffffff">0 von 0 Images Loaded.<br>0 %</div>


images you have to create:


balken.gif (like Loadbar)



you have to test it, i have create this script without testing. need help? pls post here again.


grz heiko

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