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How check if somthing is an array


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I dont think any of this will do it.


I need to CREATE unique values for all matching arrays,


so, if I start


$array[0]="Jim Smith";

$array[1]="Dave Brown";

$array[2]="Dennis Brown";

$array[3]="Steve Smith";


I need to return the surname, but if not unique, I need to append the first letter of name, then keep checking to ensure unique


So I would then end with:







Any ideas?



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There may be a function out there to work this out but a long way round would be looping through the array to create a string then testing the string with substr_count() to return an integer of matching occurances. Then it would be a simple case of testing the value of the integer using an if statement.

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This may be expensive, but could you possibly set each name to its own array containing first ans last names



array('first_name' => 'jim', 'last_name' => 'smith')



then use this class to order by last name (http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,220273.0.html) then loop through that returned array and see if the current iteration's last_name field is equal to the previous iteration's. If it is, appened the second letter of the first name, if not, just the first letter.



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Thanks for the ideas.


Emehrkay has a possible idea, but it does seem very long winded.


Just to help, there will never be any more than 14 different names to consider.


This may make it easier to do this.


Either way, there must be a better way to do this.


Any more ideas are appreciated?

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This should be a php4 safe version (your sig says php4) of that sort class



class Utilities_Array_Sort{
     * @param _array array array of data to be sorted
     * @access private
    var $_array;
     * @param _sort_key String the key to sort the array by
     * @access private
    var $_sort_key;
     * Class Constructor
     * @access public
     * @return null
    function Utilities_Array_Sort(array $array = array(), $sort_key = null){
        $this->_array       = $array;
        $this->_sort_key    = $sort_key; 
     * sorts the array 
     * @param $direction String Direction that you would like to sort the array by
     * @access public
     * @return RETURN TYPE
    function sort($direction = 'ascending'){
            case 'asc':
            case 'ascending':
                usort($this->_array, array('Utilities_Array_Sort', 'ascending'));
            case 'desc':
            case 'descending':
                usort($this->_array, array('Utilities_Array_Sort', 'descending'));
        return $this->_array;
     * sets a new array
     * @access public
     * @return instance of Utilities_Array_Sort class
    function setArray(array $array){
        $this->_array = $array;
        return $this;
     * sets a new sort by key
     * @access public
     * @return instance of Utilities_Array_Sort class
    function setSortKey($sort_key = false){
        if($sort_key) $this->_sort_key = $sort_key;
        return $this;
     * sorts the array in ascending order
     * @access private
     * @return int
    function ascending($a, $b){
        return strcmp($a[$this->_sort_key], $b[$this->_sort_key]); 
     * sorts the array in descending order
     * @access private
     * @return int
    function descending($a, $b){
        return strcmp($a[$this->_sort_key], $b[$this->_sort_key]) * -1; 

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Okay here is a quick script to test a unique array;


$array = array("apple","pear","banana","apple");

// create a string out of the array
for($i=0; $i<count($array); $i++) {
$string .= $array[$i];

// search the string
$testString = "pear";
if(substr_count($string, $testString) == 1) {
echo "{$testString} is unique!";
} else {
echo "{$testString} is not unique";


it works leaving the original $array untouched.

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Are these results from a database query? if so, you can skip using the class and just loop through the multi dimensional array like this



$arr = array(
    array('first_name' => 'ab', 'last_name' => 'bb'),
    array('first_name' => 'ac', 'last_name' => 'bb'),
    array('first_name' => 'ad', 'last_name' => 'bbl'),
    array('first_name' => 'ae', 'last_name' => 'bbl'),
    array('first_name' => 'af', 'last_name' => 'bbt'),
    array('first_name' => 'ag', 'last_name' => 'bbr'),
    array('first_name' => 'ah', 'last_name' => 'bbr'),
    array('first_name' => 'ai', 'last_name' => 'bbr'),
    array('first_name' => 'aj', 'last_name' => 'bbs'),
    array('first_name' => 'ak', 'last_name' => 'bbs'),
    array('first_name' => 'al', 'last_name' => 'bbv')

$result     = array();
$iteration  = 0;

foreach($arr as $name){
     * prepare the first name based on teh last name
     * if the current last name is the same as the previous one append the second letter of the first name to the first name
     * else, just use the fist letter
    $first_name = $name['first_name']{0};

    if($iteration++ != 0 && ($name['last_name'] === $arr[($iteration -2)]['last_name'])){ //-2 because we increment $iteration inline
        $first_name .= '.'. $name['first_name']{1};
    $result[] = $first_name .' '. $name['last_name'];

echo '<pre>', print_r($result), '</pre>';



this is assuming that the last names are already in order and your array is a multidimensional array which is easy to do when querying from a database


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Look at the code in my last example.


Set up your array like it is there



array('first_name' => 'joe', 'last_name' => 'smith')



then run it through the class here (http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,220273.0.html) there are usage examples


then run sorted output through the code that i wrote above and you'll have you answer

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