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Fopen through proxy or stealthed


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My server information is here, do not have CURL



Hi, I was wondering if there's a way to do a fopen through a proxy server.  My friend recently changed his HTACCESS file so that every image my site requests appears as gay porn on my site.  The script I was using to pull the data i wanted off his site is posted below.  If i could somehow stealth my servers request address or use a proxy it would be helpful.


$test = "	<div id=\"content\" class=\"narrowcolumn\">\n";
$tester = "		<div class=\"navigation\">\n";
// Open file form read.
$search = "><img";
$replace = ' rel="lightbox[compeng]" title="compeng"><img';
$searchtwo = "onclick=\"window.open('http://compeng12.com/wp-photos/20080609-073125-1.jpg','full_size_image','toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,height=500,width=660');return false;\" ";
$searchthree = '<img class="postie-image" style="none;"';
$replaces = "";
$replacess = "<img";
$write = 1;
$count = 1;

while ($count < 9)

while (!feof($handle))
	if ($count == 1) {$handle = @fopen("http://www.compeng12.com", "r");}
	if ($count == 2) {$handle = @fopen("http://www.compeng12.com/?paged=2", "r");}
	if ($count == 3) {$handle = @fopen("http://www.compeng12.com/?paged=3", "r");}
	if ($count == 4) {$handle = @fopen("http://www.compeng12.com/?paged=4", "r");}
	if ($count == 5) {$handle = @fopen("http://www.compeng12.com/?paged=5", "r");}
	if ($count == 6) {$handle = @fopen("http://www.compeng12.com/?paged=6", "r");}
	if ($count == 7) {$handle = @fopen("http://www.compeng12.com/?paged=7", "r");}
	if ($count ==  {$handle = @fopen("http://www.compeng12.com/?paged=8", "r");}
	$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);
	while ($buffer != $test)
		$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);

	while (!feof($handle))
		$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);
		if ($buffer == $tester)
			break 2;
		$buffer = str_ireplace($searchtwo, $replaces, $buffer);
		$buffer = str_ireplace($searchthree, $replacess, $buffer);
		echo str_ireplace($search, $replace, $buffer);

fclose($handle); // Close the file.
$count = $count + 1;


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what do you mean by legitimate?  No DMCA exists in Canada and bill C-61 died.  I know of ways around this but am just looking for a more simple permanent solution, me and him are kinda just battling back and fourth with this, hes in my class in university.  I'm pretty new to php so I dont know how to set the proxy stuff up.  The website is just our class blog that I had implemented into my site before he changed it :P.

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