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Alternative code for this


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Right i've been having problems with my site (www.vyb3.co.uk) loading sometimes it will load properly then other times it appears to time out and only half load... I've tested it on serveral computers and it happens on them all, i've also spoke to my webhost but they haven't responded so I tried to figure out what the problem was my self and I believe its this code:


if(isset($_GET['vyb3'])) $vyb3=$_GET['vyb3'];
else $vyb3='';

switch ($vyb3)
case "main": include('main.php'); break;
case "about": include('about.php'); break;
case "contact": include('contact.php'); break;
case "news": include('news.php'); break;
case "forums": include('forums.php'); break;
case "sounds": include('sounds.php'); break;
case "downloads": include('downloads.php'); break;
case "links": include('links.php'); break;
case "linktous": include('linktous.php'); break;
case "sponsors": include('sponsors.php'); break;
case "riddims": include('riddims.php'); break;
case "disclaimer": include('disclaimer.php'); break;
case "artistsmyspace": include('artistsmyspace.php'); break;
case "acapellas": include('acapellas.php'); break;
case "instrumentals": include('instrumentals.php'); break;
case "greensleeves": include('greensleeves.php'); break;
case "chineseassassin": include('chineseassassin.php'); break;
case "federationinvasionmixtapes": include('federationinvasionmixtapes.php'); break;
case "october2008": include('october2008.php'); break;
case "october2008mixtapes": include('october2008mixtapes.php'); break; 
case "september2008": include('september2008.php'); break;
case "september2008mixtapes": include('september2008mixtapes.php'); break;
case "august2008": include('august2008.php'); break;
case "august2008mixtapes": include('august2008mixtapes.php'); break;
case "july2008": include('july2008.php'); break;
case "july2008mixtapes": include('july2008mixtapes.php'); break;
case "june2008": include('june2008.php'); break;
case "june2008mixtapes": include('june2008mixtapes.php'); break;
case "may2008": include('may2008.php'); break;
case "may2008mixtapes": include('may2008mixtapes.php'); break;
case "april2008": include('april2008.php'); break;
case "april2008mixtapes": include('april2008mixtapes.php'); break;
case "march2008": include ('march2008.php'); break;
case "march2008mixtapes": include('march2008mixtapes.php'); break;
case "february2008": include('february2008.php'); break;
case "february2008mixtapes": include('february2008mixtapes.php'); break;
case "january2008": include('january2008.php'); break;
case "january2008mixtapes": include('january2008mixtapes.php'); break;
case "q42007": include('q42007.php'); break;
case "q42007mixtapes": include('q42007mixtapes.php'); break;
case "q32007": include('q32007.php'); break;
case "q32007mixtapes": include('q32007mixtapes.php'); break;
case "q22007": include('q22007.php'); break;
case "q22007mixtapes": include('q22007mixtapes.php'); break;
case "q12007": include('q12007.php'); break;
case "q12007mixtapes": include('q12007mixtapes.php'); break;
case "2006": include('2006.php'); break;
case "2005": include('2005.php'); break;
case "2004": include('2004.php'); break;
case "2003": include('2003.php'); break;
case "2002": include('2002.php'); break;
case "2001": include('2001.php'); break;
case "2000": include('2000.php'); break;
case "19901999": include('19901999.php'); break;
case "pre1990": include('pre1990.php'); break;
case "19901999mixtapes": include('19901999mixtapes.php'); break;
case "pre1990mixtapes": include('pre1990mixtapes.php'); break;
case "2006mixtapes": include('2006mixtapes.php'); break;
case "2005mixtapes": include('2005mixtapes.php'); break;
case "2004mixtapes": include('2004mixtapes.php'); break;
case "2003mixtapes": include('2003mixtapes.php'); break;
case "2002mixtapes": include('2002mixtapes.php'); break;
case "2001mixtapes": include('2001mixtapes.php'); break;
case "2000mixtapes": include('2000mixtapes.php'); break;



Is there any more efficient way to do this? I need to keep the variable set to vyb3 and I could do with keeping all my pages in the same directory as It would be a hell of a lot of hassle to change everything. But I need a navigation system that doesnt time out sometimes.... Thats if this is even the problem.... ARGH its driving me mad!

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I agree with ranjuvs but just a little security addional (if you wanted)

//Security Addition
$allowed = array("main", "about", "ect");
//Security Check
if(!in_array($vyb3, $allowed) return die('Error Loading');

$filename = $vyb3 . '.php';
if(file_exists($filename)) {

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