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Problem with values from $_GET


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$message = $_GET['message']; //get message

if(!isset($message)) //if message vraiable empty
echo 'wrong';


//get message length

$l = strlen($message); 

//find where ending zeros are
$findme    = '000000000000000';

$pos_zeros = stripos($message, $findme);

if ($pos_zeros === false) {
    echo "The string '$findme' was not found in the string '$message'";

$id = substr($message,0,15); //get id
$year = substr($message,15,4);
$month = substr($message,19,2);
$day = substr($message,21,2);
$hours = substr($message,23,2);
$minutes = substr($message,25,2);
$seconds = substr($message,27,2);
$found_fs = substr($message,29,2);
$fs = "fs";
$offset_until_zeros = ($l - $pos_zeros);
echo 'offset until zeros =' . $offset_until_zeros;

$data = substr($message,31,$offset_until_zeros);
$ff = "ff";

echo 'length = ' . $l;
echo $message;
echo $data;

input in browser is



link_not_shown because it's an active url so please excuse?message=55901392696301120081019194525fs-0.1,+0.2,-4.3,+5.1,-5.5,ff,000000000000000



output is as follows


offset until zeros =15

length = 74

message becomes 55901392696301120081019194525fs-0.1, 0.2,-4.3, 5.1,-5.5,ff,000000000000000 (plus signs are gone why?)


$data = -0.1, 0.2,-4.3, where are the rest until the before the first 0? I should get $data = -0.1,+0.2,-4.3,+5.1,-5.5,ff,


what is happening??????

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a + is a special character in a url. make sure you use rawurlencode() around the value for message:

$msg = '55901392696301120081019194525fs-0.1,+0.2,-4.3,5.1,-5.5,ff,000000000000000';
$url = 'excuse?message='.rawurlencode($msg);
print $url;


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Ok I was able to make the device send me the url without the + signs. url is created from a mobile device so it neeeded re-programming but still


input in browser is




output is



offset until zeros =15

length = 72


$message = 55901392696301120081019194525fs-0.1,0.2,-4.3,5.1,-5.5,ff,000000000000000


data = -0.1,0.2,-4.3,5 where's the rest until before the 1st zeero?

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on a side note, you can shorten this code up DRASTICALLY with preg_match. not sure how flexible it needs to be, but this works with your example:


  //Removed all the GET stuff for testing
  $message = '55901392696301120081019194525fs-0.1,0.2,-4.3,5.1,-5.5,ff,000000000000000';
    list(,$id,$year,$month,$day,$hours,$minutes,$seconds,$data) = $matches;
    //Here all your variables should be set

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Another problem is your code will never output "Wrong" because $message will be set 100% of the time (since you set it above) so I reckon you meant to use empty() or some other check there and not isset(). Or, isset() on the $_GET['message'] is fine too.


i meant to point that out in my first post, but forgot. as per philipolson, it should be:

if(empty($message)) //if message vraiable empty

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