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I need a SIMPLE random file include script - any ideas???


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I need a script that will allow me to include random 'php includes' in my site, but I am having trouble finding one that works as advertised.


The script simply need to allow me to create add various 'php includes' to an array, then I need another string of code that can be inserted into my Web page to pull-in the 'php includes' in the array.  For example:


ARRAY FILE (Loosely-based on reality)...




[1] <?php include('http://whateverfilefromanywhere01.php'); ?>

[2] <?php include('http://whateverfilefromanywhere02.php'); ?>

[3] <?php include('http://whateverfilefromanywhere03.php'); ?>





(embedded inside Web page)

<?php include('http://arrayfilepath.php"); ?>



That's it!  Keep in mind, I DO NOT need a 'random image' script.  There are hundreds of those.  What I need is a script that INCLUDES whatever objects or content found in the 'php include' files in the array.  These might be images, text, or HTML strings.


I don't know why this script is so hard to locate on the Web!





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Okay, they all worked, and I actually found many of those scripts online already.  My problem was that I was trying to separate-out the 'echo' or 'array include' portion of the script (so that the file path portion was a stand-alone file).  Well, I didn't need to do that since I could just include the whole dang script with a basic include string.




Anyway...  Thanks to all for such quick responses to this embarrassingly simply question.


Three hours wasted on 'trying to hard'.  LOL.

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