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I am trying to validate my modify page through javascript first then php. The php side is working great, always has. The problem is with my javascript. I have included a external javascript source file. It was easier to do that. I have attached my modify.php which is the page you go to view information in the database. The modify2.php which will update the recrords in the datbase if it passes php validation and javascript. The adminScript.js that is the external javascript source file.


Any help would be awesome!




P.S. Below is my adminScript.js code


// JavaScript Document
function validate()
		errorMessage = "";

		if (document.modify.name$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Your first name is blank, please enter your name\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.Name.value == "")

		if (document.modify.name$count.value.length < 5)
			errorMessage += "Please enter a name that is longer\n";
		}//end of if (document.Mikes_Student_Survey.Name.value.length < 5)

		if (document.modify.last$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Please enter a last name\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.Last.value == "")

		if (document.modify.last$count.value.length < 
			errorMessage += "Please enter a longer last name\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.Last.value.length < 

		//if (document.modify.Age.value == "")
		//	errorMessage += "Your age is blank, please enter your age\n";
		//}//end of if (document.modify.Age.value == "")

		if (document.modify.age$count.value < 18 || document.modify.age$count.value > 100)
			errorMessage += "Your age is invalid, it must be 18-100\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.Age.value < 18 || document.modify.Age.value > 100)]

		if (document.modify.month$count.value == 0)
			errorMessage += "Please select a Month\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.Month.value == 0)

		if (document.modify.day$count.value == 0)
			errorMessage += "Please select a Day of Birth\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.DayofBirth == 0)

		if (document.modify.year$count.value == 0)
			errorMessage += "Please select a year of birth\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.birthYear.value == 0)

		if (document.modify.hometown$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Please enter a hometown\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.hometown.value == "")

		if (document.modify.state$count.value == "---")
			errorMessage += "Please select a State\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.State.value == ---)

		if (document.modify.grad$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Please enter your year of graduation\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.YearofGrad.value == "")

		if (document.modify.grad$count.value.length != 4)
			errorMessage += "Please enter your year of graduation that is 4 digits (i.e. 2004)\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.YearofGrad.value.length != 4)




		if (document.modify.study.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Please enter a field of study\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.FieldOfStudy.value == "")

		if (document.modify.study$count.value.length < 10 )
			errorMessage += "Please enter a degree that has a longer name\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.FieldofStudy.value.length < 10 ) 

		if (document.modify.gpa$count.value == '---')
			errorMessage += "Please select a GPA\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.GPA.value == '---')

		if (document.modify.email$count.value == "")
		  errorMessage += "Please enter your email address. \n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.email.value == "")

		  var email = document.modify.email$count.value;
		  // name the reg expression filter
		  var filter = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;
		  //tset the email field against the reg exp if true => good
		  if (!filter.test(email)) 
			  errorMessage += "Please provide a valid email address \n";
		  }//end of  if (!filter.test(email)) 
		}//end of else

		//validating zipcode
		if (document.modify.zipcode$count.value.length != '5' && document.modify.zipcode$count.value.length != '10')
			errorMessage += "The zip code is not of valid length (5 or 10 characters)\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.zipcode.value.length != 5 || document.modify.zipcode.value.length != 10)

		if (document.modify.zipcode$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Your zip code is blank, please enter one\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.zipcode.value == "")

		//validating numcredits
		if (isNaN(document.modify.numcredits$count.value))
			errorMessage += "The number of credits is not a numerical value. Please enter a number\n";
		}//end of if (isNaN(document.MikesStudentSurvey.zipcode.value)

		if (document.modify.numcredits$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "You did not enter your total number of credits\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.numcredits.value)

		if (document.modify.numcredits$count.value < 1 || document.modify.numcredits$count.value > 130)
			errorMessage += "You did not enter a valid number of credits (1-130)\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.numcredits.value < 1 || document.modify.numcredits.value > 130)

		if (errorMessage == "")
			return true;
		}//end of if (errormsg == "")

		}//end of else

	return false;

	}//end of function validate()

	function calculateSemesters()

		document.modify.numSemesters$count.value = Math.ceil(document.modify.numcredits$count.value / 15);
	}//end of function calculateSemesters()


[attachment deleted by admin]

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i also moved the <script> </script> tags from the top of the page since there is no <head> </head> tags to this


echo " <script type='text/javascript' src='../../javascript/adminScript.js'></script>";


i still get it not going to the javascript for validation goes directly to the php validation.


<link href="../../css/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

if ($_SESSION['loggedIn'] == TRUE)
	$username = $_SESSION['username'];
	echo "User Logged In: $username";

	include ('topofpage.php');
	echo "	<script type='text/javascript' src='../../javascript/adminScript.js'></script>";
	//includes the database connection script

	echo "<div align = 'center'>Please remember when editing the study, you need to provide a \", \" if you want to include multiple majors.</div><br />";

	$Query = "SELECT * FROM survey";

	$Display = mysqli_query ($db, $Query) or die("<p>Unable to execute the query.</p>" . "<p>Error Code</p>" . mysqli_errno($db) . ": " . mysqli_error($db) . "</p>");

	$mike = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Display);

	echo "<form name ='modify' action='modify2.php' method='post' onsubmit='return validate()'>";
	echo "<table border='5' align='center' width = '100%'>\n
					<th>First Name</th>
					<th>Last Name</th>
					<th>Email Address</th>
					<th>Zip Code</th>
					<th>Credits Left</th>
					<th>Num. Semesters</th>
			echo "\n";

	$count = 0;

	while ($mike)
		echo "
			<td><input type = 'checkbox' name = 'changed$count' size ='1''></td>
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'id$count' value ='$mike[iD]' readonly=readonly size='2'></td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'date$count' value ='$mike[Date]' readonly=readonly size = '5'></td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'name$count' value ='$mike[Name]' size = '10' maxsize = '10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'last$count' value ='$mike[LastName]' size = '10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'age$count' value ='$mike[Age]' size = '2'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'month$count' value ='$mike[Month]' size = '10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'day$count' value ='$mike[Day]' size = '2'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'year$count' value ='$mike[Year]' size '4' maxsize = '4' onchange='calculateAge()'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'hometown$count' value ='$mike[Hometown]' size ='10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'state$count' value ='$mike[state]' size = '10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'grad$count' value ='$mike[Graduation]' size ='4'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'cert$count' value ='$mike[Certificate]' size ='3'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'assoc$count' value ='$mike[Associates]'size ='3'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'bach$count' value ='$mike[bachelors]'size ='3'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'study$count' value ='$mike[study]'size ='40'</td>\n";
	/*	echo "<td>";
			$StudyArray = explode(",", $mike[study]);
			foreach($StudyArray as $Study)
				echo "<input type = 'text' name = 'study$count' value ='$Study'<br /> ";
			}//emd of foreach($StudyArray as $Study)

		echo "</td>\n";*/

		echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'gpa$count' value ='$mike[GPA]' size = '8'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'email$count' value ='$mike[email]'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'zipcode$count' value ='$mike[zipcode]' size ='10' maxsize='10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'numcredits$count' value ='$mike[numcredits]' size ='3' maxsize='3'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'numSemesters$count' value ='$mike[numSemesters]'</td>\n


		//goes through for each record
		$mike = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Display); 
	}//end of while ($mike)
	echo "Total recrods: $count";

	echo "<tr><td colspan = '16'<input type = 'submit' ></td></tr>";
	echo "<input type = 'hidden' name = 'count' value = $count>";
	echo "</table>";
	echo "</form>";
	include ('bottomofpage.php');
	header('Location: ../index.php');

Try removing "onsubmit='return validate()'" from your form tag and add "onclick='return validate();'" to your submit button.


Also, change your JS code to ONLY return false. Then, if your form submits anyway, you'll know the problem is in your PHP code, and if it doesn't, you'll know it's in your JS code.

// JavaScript Document
   function validate(count)
         errorMessage = "";
         var i
         for (i=0;i<=count;i++){
         if (document.modify.name+i.value == "")


Although, I always use id's, not names in JS, so I'm not quite sure if that will work

the adminScript.js

// JavaScript Document
function validate(count)
		errorMessage = "";

		//if (document.modify.name$count.value == "")
		//	errorMessage += "Your first name is blank, please enter your name\n";
		//}//end of if (document.modify.Name.value == "")

         var i
		 for (i=0;i<=count;i++)
			// alert (document.getElementById('name'+i));
			 if (ocument.getElementById('name'+i) == "")
				 errorMessage += "Please enter a name \n"			 
			 }//end of if (document.modify.name+i.value == "")
		 }//end of for (i=0;i<=count;i++)

		/*if (document.modify.name$count.value.length < 5)
			errorMessage += "Please enter a name \n";
		}//end of if (document.Mikes_Student_Survey.Name.value.length < 5)

		if (document.modify.last$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Please enter a last name\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.Last.value == "")

		if (document.modify.last$count.value.length < 
			errorMessage += "Please enter a longer last name\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.Last.value.length < 

		//if (document.modify.Age.value == "")
		//	errorMessage += "Your age is blank, please enter your age\n";
		//}//end of if (document.modify.Age.value == "")

		if (document.modify.age$count.value < 18 || document.modify.age$count.value > 100)
			errorMessage += "Your age is invalid, it must be 18-100\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.Age.value < 18 || document.modify.Age.value > 100)]

		if (document.modify.month$count.value == 0)
			errorMessage += "Please select a Month\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.Month.value == 0)

		if (document.modify.day$count.value == 0)
			errorMessage += "Please select a Day of Birth\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.DayofBirth == 0)

		if (document.modify.year$count.value == 0)
			errorMessage += "Please select a year of birth\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.birthYear.value == 0)

		if (document.modify.hometown$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Please enter a hometown\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.hometown.value == "")

		if (document.modify.state$count.value == "---")
			errorMessage += "Please select a State\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.State.value == ---)

		if (document.modify.grad$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Please enter your year of graduation\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.YearofGrad.value == "")

		if (document.modify.grad$count.value.length != 4)
			errorMessage += "Please enter your year of graduation that is 4 digits (i.e. 2004)\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.YearofGrad.value.length != 4)




		if (document.modify.study.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Please enter a field of study\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.FieldOfStudy.value == "")

		if (document.modify.study$count.value.length < 10 )
			errorMessage += "Please enter a degree that has a longer name\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.FieldofStudy.value.length < 10 ) 

		if (document.modify.gpa$count.value == '---')
			errorMessage += "Please select a GPA\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.GPA.value == '---')

		if (document.modify.email$count.value == "")
		  errorMessage += "Please enter your email address. \n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.email.value == "")

		  var email = document.modify.email$count.value;
		  // name the reg expression filter
		  var filter = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;
		  //tset the email field against the reg exp if true => good
		  if (!filter.test(email)) 
			  errorMessage += "Please provide a valid email address \n";
		  }//end of  if (!filter.test(email)) 
		}//end of else

		//validating zipcode
		if (document.modify.zipcode$count.value.length != '5' && document.modify.zipcode$count.value.length != '10')
			errorMessage += "The zip code is not of valid length (5 or 10 characters)\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.zipcode.value.length != 5 || document.modify.zipcode.value.length != 10)

		if (document.modify.zipcode$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "Your zip code is blank, please enter one\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.zipcode.value == "")

		//validating numcredits
		if (isNaN(document.modify.numcredits$count.value))
			errorMessage += "The number of credits is not a numerical value. Please enter a number\n";
		}//end of if (isNaN(document.MikesStudentSurvey.zipcode.value)

		if (document.modify.numcredits$count.value == "")
			errorMessage += "You did not enter your total number of credits\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.numcredits.value)

		if (document.modify.numcredits$count.value < 1 || document.modify.numcredits$count.value > 130)
			errorMessage += "You did not enter a valid number of credits (1-130)\n";
		}//end of if (document.modify.numcredits.value < 1 || document.modify.numcredits.value > 130)

		//if (errorMessage == "")
		//	return true;
		//}//end of if (errormsg == "")

		if (errorMessage != "") 
			return false;
		}//end of else

	return true;

	}//end of function validate()

	function calculateSemesters()

		document.modify.numSemesters$count.value = Math.ceil(document.modify.numcredits$count.value / 15);
	}//end of function calculateSemesters()



<link href="../../css/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

if ($_SESSION['loggedIn'] == TRUE)
	$username = $_SESSION['username'];
	echo "User Logged In: $username";

	include ('topofpage.php');
	echo "	<script type='text/javascript' src='../../javascript/adminScript.js'></script>";
	//includes the database connection script

	echo "<div align = 'center'>Please remember when editing the study, you need to provide a \", \" if you want to include multiple majors.</div><br />";

	$Query = "SELECT * FROM survey";

	$Display = mysqli_query ($db, $Query) or die("<p>Unable to execute the query.</p>" . "<p>Error Code</p>" . mysqli_errno($db) . ": " . mysqli_error($db) . "</p>");

	$mike = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Display);

	echo "<form name ='modify' action='modify2.php' method='post'>";
	echo "<table border='5' align='center' width = '100%'>\n
					<th>First Name</th>
					<th>Last Name</th>
					<th>Email Address</th>
					<th>Zip Code</th>
					<th>Credits Left</th>
					<th>Num. Semesters</th>
			echo "\n";

	$count = 0;

	while ($mike)
		echo "
			<td><input type = 'checkbox' id = 'name$count' name = 'changed$count' size ='1''></td>
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'id$count' value ='$mike[iD]' readonly=readonly size='2'></td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'date$count' value ='$mike[Date]' readonly=readonly size = '5'></td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'name$count' value ='$mike[Name]' size = '10' maxsize = '10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'last$count' value ='$mike[LastName]' size = '10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'age$count' value ='$mike[Age]' size = '2'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'month$count' value ='$mike[Month]' size = '10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'day$count' value ='$mike[Day]' size = '2'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'year$count' value ='$mike[Year]' size '4' maxsize = '4' onchange='calculateAge()'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'hometown$count' value ='$mike[Hometown]' size ='10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'state$count' value ='$mike[state]' size = '10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'grad$count' value ='$mike[Graduation]' size ='4'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'cert$count' value ='$mike[Certificate]' size ='3'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'assoc$count' value ='$mike[Associates]'size ='3'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'bach$count' value ='$mike[bachelors]'size ='3'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'study$count' value ='$mike[study]'size ='40'</td>\n";
	/*	echo "<td>";
			$StudyArray = explode(",", $mike[study]);
			foreach($StudyArray as $Study)
				echo "<input type = 'text' name = 'study$count' value ='$Study'<br /> ";
			}//emd of foreach($StudyArray as $Study)

		echo "</td>\n";*/

		echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'gpa$count' value ='$mike[GPA]' size = '8'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'email$count' value ='$mike[email]'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'zipcode$count' value ='$mike[zipcode]' size ='10' maxsize='10'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'numcredits$count' value ='$mike[numcredits]' size ='3' maxsize='3' onchange='calculateSemesters()'</td>\n
			<td><input type = 'text' name = 'numSemesters$count' value ='$mike[numSemesters]'</td>\n


		//goes through for each record
		$mike = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Display); 
	}//end of while ($mike)
	echo "Total recrods: $count";

	echo "<tr><td colspan = '16'<input type = 'submit' onclick='return validate()' ></td></tr>";
	echo "<input type = 'hidden' name = 'count' value = $count>";
	echo "</table>";
	echo "</form>";
	include ('bottomofpage.php');
	header('Location: ../index.php');

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