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problem with sending mail


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I am using php mail() function to sent email. It was working fine till yesterday. suddenly it stop working today. But I am getting the mail succesfully sent message but no mail in my inbox.

Where I have to check to find what is going wrong? pls help urgent.

thanks in advance

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Ok if you want to use the "testsub" and "testmessage" as variables you should use the $ sign! If its just text then it looks ok to me!

Check if you can get emails in general on that account because the problem might be with the gmail servers!

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i am not using gmail. i am using another account. it was working fine for me till yesterday from the last 4 months. but today it is not working. is it because of any network configuration changes.? where i have to check whethre mail function is correctly configured?

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if you can use the internet i dont think that there are any additional configuration to do! The only thing i would think that might be wrong is the email provider! Check the email account you are using if it gets any other emails from another account! If you have inbox mails from others, then the last thing is your hosting server!

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yes it receives mail from other accounts. hosting server means? what i have to do for that? thank u for ur help .can u plz  provide me with any other email address, so that i can make sure that it is the problem with hosting server


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you can create a free email account like (hotmail, gmail, yahoo, etc) and use that one instead of the one you are using now to check if its a problem with the email account or the server that you host your website on!



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i am testing from local server. It is not blocked because it is working fine till yesterday. I also tried with other address like test@rediffmail.com. but it is also not working?

any other changes in php.ini.

or http.conf has to be made.


whether it is not working because of any configuration changes

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no i am using it till yesterday. everything works  fine for me till yestreday.

in php.ini


SMTP = localhost;

smtp_port = 25;

sendmail_from= no value;

sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i;


any other things i have to check

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You may be able tp request a "recieved notification" and if you dont received it back then generate the error! Although i have no idea how and if this is possible! You can search in google or create a new thread in this forum and if someone knows something you ll get there!

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