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Problem Connecting to Database


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Hi all,


I'll admit that I'm certainly no PHP expert, hardly even a novice, and I'm sure that will be evidenced by this problem I'm experiencing.


We're currently moving a client from one host to another, but it's presenting an error when trying to access the MySQL database on the new host.

Here's the error, followed by the contents of the config.php file:


Warning: main(/var/www/html/_common/cls-database-inc.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/rccdams.co.uk/public_html/_common/config.php on line 26


Warning: main(/var/www/html/_common/cls-database-inc.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/rccdams.co.uk/public_html/_common/config.php on line 26


Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/var/www/html/_common/cls-database-inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/sites/rccdams.co.uk/public_html/_common/config.php on line 26






if ($root == "C:/apachefriends/xampp/htdocs")


$db_host = "localhost";

$db_username = "root";

$db_password = "password";

$db_database = "database";




$db_host = "localhost";

$db_username = "username";

$db_password = "password";

$db_database = "database";





require ($root . "/_common/cls-database-inc.php");  <-- This is line 26

require ($root . "/_common/site-functions-inc.php");


$db = new database;




Can anyone offer any advice for what may be wrong?


If you need any further info just let me know.


Best regards,



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Is there a file called 'cls-database-inc.php' in '/var/www/html/_common/' ? Because this Warning says just this: Can't open this file.




Yes, both the cls-database-inc.php and site-functions-inc.php files exist in the _common folder.


One thought has occured me to after posting this. To keep the existing site live until the new one is working, a domain reference has been set up with the new host so the all the site files could be loaded to it and visited via a browser.

Could this error be caused because it's trying to reference the cls-database-inc.php file using the full URL and failing because this refers to the existing site, not the new one?


Hope that makes sense.


Thanks for your help.


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change this...


to this...


$HTTP_SERVER_VARS didn't work, but $_SERVER did.  I think the former is outdated.


change this...

require ($root . "/_common/cls-database-inc.php");
require ($root . "/_common/site-functions-inc.php");

to this...

require ($root . "_common/cls-database-inc.php");
require ($root . "_common/site-functions-inc.php");


Give that a shot.  What I did was use a test page I have and instead of require($root...), I just echoed it.  What I got was "<!---C:/wamp/www//_common/cls-database-inc.php -->"  see the //, looks like $root has the "/" at the end of the directory.

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try doing an echo of $root to see what directory is being pulled.  You show 2 in your error message...


Warning: main(/var/www/html/_common/cls-database-inc.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/rccdams.co.uk/public_html/_common/config.php on line 26

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