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Not Insterting into database


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I am trying to create a report sciprt and nothing is not being imported into the database. I am not receiving any errors, it is just not importing into the database. Also I have another question how can I set this code up so that every time the use input a number in the dur it will add it to the database.(i.e 5 hours are in the database, but when a user type in 2 hours in the dur field on the script it should be 7 in the database.)


Here is my code

include 'db.php';
$pid = $_POST['pid'];
$hub = $_POST['hub'];
$dep = $_POST['dep'];
$arr = $_POST['arr'];
$rte = $_POST['rte'];
$dur = $_POST['dur'];
$event = $_POST['event'];
$callsign = $_POST['callsign'];
$date = $_POST['date'];
$ac = $_POST['ac'];
$vflight = $_POST['vflight'];

if((!$dep) || (!$arr) || (!$date) || (!$hub) || (!$ac) || (!$rte) || (!$vflight)){ 
echo '<font color="#FF0000"><center>You did Not Submit The Following Information!</center></font>';


         echo"<br />No Deparure Airport!<br /><br />";

	echo"<br />No Arrival Airport!<br /><br />";

	echo"<br />No Duration Time!<br /> <br />";

	echo"<br />No Duration Time!<br /> <br />";
	echo"<br />No Route!<br /><br />";
	echo"<br />No Date<br /><br />";
	echo"<br>Please tell us if this flight was on VATSIM<br /><br />";
	echo"<br>Please tell us if this was a flyin event<br /><br />";



else {

mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments) 

javascript:alert("Pirep Submitted Into Database!")



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I changed

mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments) 


mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments) 
VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight',','$_POST[fcomments])')")or die mysql_error());?>


and now I am recceviong the following error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\xampp\htdocs\pirep_phrase.php

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mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments) 
VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight','{$_POST['fcomments']}')")or die mysql_error());?>


Note {} around $_POST['fcomments']

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Mchi, I changed it and now I am receiving the following error


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\xampp\htdocs\pirep_phrase.php on line 64


line 64 is

VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight','{$_POST['fcomments']}')")or die mysql_error());?>


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This is the entire code

include 'db.php';
$pid = $_POST['pid'];
$hub = $_POST['hub'];
$dep = $_POST['dep'];
$arr = $_POST['arr'];
$rte = $_POST['rte'];
$dur = $_POST['dur'];
$event = $_POST['event'];
$callsign = $_POST['callsign'];
$date = $_POST['date'];
$ac = $_POST['ac'];
$vflight = $_POST['vflight'];

if((!$dep) || (!$arr) || (!$date) || (!$hub) || (!$ac) || (!$rte) || (!$vflight)){ 
echo '<font color="#FF0000"><center>You did Not Submit The Following Information!</center></font>';


         echo"<br />No Deparure Airport!<br /><br />";

	echo"<br />No Arrival Airport!<br /><br />";

	echo"<br />No Duration Time!<br /> <br />";

	echo"<br />No Duration Time!<br /> <br />";
	echo"<br />No Route!<br /><br />";
	echo"<br />No Date<br /><br />";
	echo"<br>Please tell us if this flight was on VATSIM<br /><br />";
	echo"<br>Please tell us if this was a flyin event<br /><br />";



else {

mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments) 
VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight','{$_POST['fcomments']}')")or die mysql_error());?>

javascript:alert("Pirep Submitted Into Database!")


This is Line 64

VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight','{$_POST['fcomments']}')")or die mysql_error());?>

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Unpaired parentheses at mysql_error()


mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments) 
VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight','{$_POST['fcomments']}')")or die mysql_error();?>



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Well.. what if you add this after line 21

$fcomments = $_POST['fcomments']

(BTW: you should sanitize all those values before inserting into database)



and change your query like this


mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments) 
VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight','$fcomments')")or die mysql_error();

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I changed the query to look like u said it to look and no I am receiving this error



Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\xampp\htdocs\pirep_phrase.php on line 65


this line



mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments)

VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight','$fcomments')")or die mysql_error();

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prid is not defined and i assume its auto incremented in the database and therefor you dont need to insert it as its not php defined by the post

$pid = $_POST['pid'];


is defined and not in the  insert


mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments)

VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight','$fcomments')")or die mysql_error();

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$pid is inserted into 'login' field. Wether it's wrong or not, we don't know.

The reason for 'T_STRING' error is that 'die' construct needs parentheses, when it gets parameter (obvious now...)




mysql_query("INSERT INTO pirep(prid,login,dep,arr,rte,dur,ac,hub,date,callsign,event,vflight,fcomments)
VALUES('','$pid','$dep','$arr','$rte','$dur','$ac','$hub','$date','$callsign','$event','$vflight','$fcomments')")or die(mysql_error());


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