countdrac Posted November 2, 2008 Share Posted November 2, 2008 hi i need to write an application that takes all the files in a directory, move them, and add the information to a DB based on where the files were uploaded to. eg. upload/name1/category2/file.ext needs to move to main/name1/category2/file.ext but the name1, category2 and file.ext all need to be added to a database. im not sure of the best way to do this. im sure there must be a better way to get information from the directories and files then the way i have it at the moment. also if the decide to change how many directories they will be using its a bit of a mess at the moment. at the moment ive got: function listdirs($dir) { static $alldirs = array(); $dirs = glob($dir . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if (count($dirs) > 0) { foreach ($dirs as $d) $alldirs[] = $d; } foreach ($dirs as $dir) listdirs($dir); return $alldirs; } $dirs = listdirs('../audioUpload'); array_unshift($dirs, "../audioUpload"); foreach($dirs as $dir) foreach (glob($dir."/*.mp3") as $file) { $fileName = split("/*/",$file); $num = count($fileName); echo "<option value='".$file."'>.."; for ($i=2;$i<$num;$i++) echo "/".$fileName[$i]; echo "</option>"; } $file = $_POST['fileID']; $fileName = split("/",$file); $num=count($fileName); $dir = "../audioMain/".$speaker; if(!file_exists($dir)) { if(mkdir($dir,777)) { $dir = "../audioMain/".$speaker."/".$category; if(mkdir($dir,777)) {}else echo"error"; } } else { $dir = "../audioMain/".$speaker."/".$category; if(!file_exists($dir)) if(mkdir($dir,777)) {}else echo"error"; } $newFile = $fileName[0]."/audioMain/".$speaker."/".$category."/".$fileName[$num-1]; $setPath = "../audioMain/".$speaker."/".$category."/"; $query = "INSERT INTO ... .. '".$fileName[0]."/audioMain/".$speaker."/".$category."/', '".$fileName[$num-1]."' if(rename($_POST['fileID'], $fileName[0]."/audioMain/".$speaker."/".$category."/".$fileName[$num-1])) { $dirCheck = $_POST['fileID']; $dir = $dirCheck; $check=split("/",$dirCheck); $numDirs = count($check); for($i=2;$i<$numDirs;$i++) { $dirDel = split($check[$i],$dir); if(is_emtpy_dir($dirDel[0])) { if(rmdir($dirDel[0])) { // echo "DELETED FOLDER: <br />"; } } } } thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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