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Pull menu items from MySQL DB and still specify current page


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Hi All,

Hopefully someone can help me out with this. Here is a simplified version of the way I currently have my main menu on my site. The "current" link has a different background colour so the user knows where they are.

<li id="current"><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="about.php">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="register.php">Register</a></li>
<li><a href="contactus.php">Contact</a></li>


Now any time I want to add anything to the menu I need to update it on every page so i wanted to pull it from the database using mysql_fetch_assoc. I have it working with the following code:

$query="select linkname, id, url from tbl ORDER BY id";
if($result = mysql_query($query))
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo '
<li><a href=' .$row['url']. '>' .$row['linkname']. '</a></li>

BUT obviously I have now lost the ability to specify the "current" page. Does anyone know how i can use this new method to pull the menu from the database but still specify the current page?


TIA for any help!  :)

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Not exactly sure what you want to do but fro my site i just make the navigation a separate file then use include() to add that file to the top of every page.  Then when i change the navigation i only change the one file and the changes are included in the other pages.  Hope that helps.

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Although I write my navigation the same way as ashton ... the way to achieve what your looking for is...


$current = explode("/"$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$query="select linkname, id, url from tbl ORDER BY id";
if($result = mysql_query($query)){
echo '<ul>';
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
	<li<?=($current[1] == $row['url']?" id=\"current\"":"")?>><a href=' .$row['url']. '>' .$row['linkname']. '</a></li>
} // while
echo '<ul>';


assuming your pages are all at root level if not you have to play with the $current variable and such

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thanks for the replies. The code above doesn't work though, fixed all the problems I could see with it but still couldn't get it to do what I needed. I also include the menu but my issue was that I have to create a separate menu file for each page in order to get the effect I need (a different background colour on the "current" link). I'm convinced this is not necessary.


The logic of your code looks like the right direction to me - get the current url and if url in the db for that row matches then add the =current to the <li> ...i just think the syntax is wrong... Any ideas?

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