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Hey folks,

I don't know exactly what I'm doing, so I'm looking to find suggestions for a complete newbie to PHP et al.


I have a program which gets data from a website.  Currently I have the data both in XML and in a MySQL db because I have it accessed from both for seperate reasons.  The data in these is exactly the same, but I currently have to add the data seperately.  I tried having the XML auto-created from MySQL by PHP, but the MySQL server isnt quick enough to do it every time I need it (it's a free server).


I'm intending to write a PHP script to add what I want to the MySQL server, but I'm wondering if I could hit two birds with one stone, and have the PHP update the XML file with the same details, or else to destroy the XML, and recreate a new one from the database.


Is there any way of this, or perhaps some alternative I've completely overlooked.  Like I said I'm extremely new to PHP etc, but I'm picking it up quickly.  I do know that some of my thoughts may be a little overpowered, but figure it can't hurt to ask.


cheers guys

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