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hi im just starting to learn php and have been trying to write a small script where you select which colour you want a block of text to be using a form and the next page outputs a paragraph in that colour. it looks like iv done it correctly but it isnt working. can anyone suggest where iv went wrong?cheers


here is page1 code:








<title>Choose Formatting</title>





<p> Choose the colour of the text:



<form method="post" action="formattingoutput2.php">

<select name="colour">

<option value="blue">blue</option>

<option value="green">green</option>

<option value="red">red</option>



<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">










page2 code:




$_SESSION['colour'] = $_POST['colour'];










echo "<p color='";

echo $_SESSION['colour'];

echo "'>";

echo "fjgfdhgfhgdhgfdjgfghjfdhgfdhjghfdjghhgjdfhgdfhghfjgfdjghhgf";

echo "</p>";




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also iv got another one kinda similar where iv wrote a css file defining colours as variables then output it as php,brought it into another page and tried to apply the style but again doesnt seem to work.any ideas??



here is the css page called phpcolour.php:




header("Content-type: text/css");

$blue = '#0000FF';

$black = '#000000';

$red = '#FF0000';























page2 code:




<title>Formatting Output</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="phpcolor.php">








<p class="text3">



dghghfgdhf ghdgfhdgfhj gdhjfghjdgfhjd sgfhgdshfhjdgf hjdgfhjgdfhjgdhfghjdsfg ghgdshjf ghghjg gsfhjgdhj ghghg gjhghjg ggggggg ggggggggggggghjgh jghjfghdjsgfhjds ghfjgdhfgh dsgfhdsghfgdhf ghdgfhdshfgdhsg jhjghfghfhgjfh ghfjghdfjghfj dhgjfdhgjdfjghjdfh gjhfdjhgjdfhj ghfdjghfdjghfdgh fdhjghfjhgfhd jhgfdhhgjfhgkfhgj fdhgjfjgfgjgh jfhgfjhgjfdh gjfdhgjfhgjfd hgjfhdkghkdfgfhg fjhjghjfhjgh dfjhgjfdhgg






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