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[SOLVED] Custom Error Array (not to replace PHP error handling)


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Hello all!


I was just curious how one would go about making a custom error array for *application* error reporting.


In other words, I don't want this to replace PHP error handling, but rather inform me and the user of the script about any errors that occurred. I assume this is fairly easy and I am probably over thinking this. Here's what I came up with...




if ($result == "error"){
     $error[] = "There was an Error";

if ($error){
   foreach($error as $error){
      echo $error;



Is this the general concept?


Anything you would add/remove?


Thanks :D

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I posted this the other day in another thread




look into that book i talked about earlier 'learning php 5' his method is really nice, makes functions for form processing... simple validation lines and all sorts of goodies.


heres the main page logic for all my form pages, just put this at the top and then build all the functions


if($_POST['_submit_check']){ //$_POST['_submit_check'] is a hidden field, makes redisplay possible
if($form_errors = validate_form()){
} else {
} else {

function show_form($errors = '') {

// make the form here
//start with
if ($errors){
print 'Please correct these errors: <ul><li>';
print implode('</li><li>', $errors);
print '</li></ul>';

function validate_form(){
//contains simple validation like
//check that username is entered
if (trim(strlen($username)) == 0) {
$errors[]= "You must enter a username.";

function process_form(){
//what do you want to do with the entered data, whatever it is, do it here



that make sense?

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