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Vote once a Day.


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Line 45 checks to see if the user has voted or not.  I want to give the user the ability to vote once per day.  Any suggestions on how I can do that, or if there is an existing voting script that gives me that option?  You can see the script in action at http://www.jamz1019.com/homejamz.php



**                                             **
** Simple PHP Poll by X-Fi6 and Scriptsez Inc. **
**                                             **

     <Licensed with the General GNU License>

** File:  poll.php                             **

//Specify Variables And Such
if(!isset($v_path)) //do some checking for $v_path
$v_path = "|"; //check the GET and POST and see if it's defined there
$v_path = (isset($_GET['v_path'])) ? $_GET['v_path'] : $v_path;
$v_path = (isset($_POST['v_path'])) ? $_POST['v_path'] : $v_path;
//if it's not there, consider this shorthand and default to "vote/"
$v_path = ($v_path == "|") ? "vote/" : $v_path = $v_path;

//whether voting multiple times is enabled or not,
//the IP address will still be logged for security purposes
$ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);

$plsr = file($v_path . "logger.txt");
$c_pl = file_get_contents($v_path . "logger.txt");

//Check if the user has voted or not.
if(preg_match("/$ip/", $c_pl))
$ipf = "1";
$disb = " disabled='disabled'";
$ipf = "0";
$disb = "";
//Specify more variables (for filenames)
$RESULT_FILE_NAME = $v_path . "poll_data.txt";
$que = $v_path . "question.txt";
$ans = $v_path . "ans.txt";
$fn = fopen ($que, "r");
$puff = fread ($fn, filesize($que));
fclose ($fn);
$QUESTION = $puff;
$lis = 0;
$plsr = file($ans);

$temp = explode("|",$plsr[$x]);
$list[$lis] = $temp[0];
$ANSWER = $list;

if (!isset($_GET['answer']) && !$_POST['vresult'])
	echo "<h2><b>Error!</b></h2>\nYou voted but didn't pick anything! If you want to vote, check the option you want and click Vote.";
	echo "<FORM METHOD=\"GET\" ACTION=\"" . $v_path . "poll.php\" TARGET=\"_self\" NAME=\"vform\"><input type=hidden name=v_path value=\"" . $v_path . "\" />\n";
	echo "<TABLE align=center border=1 borderColor=#000000 cellPadding=2 class=normaltext style=\"BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #000000; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #000000; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #000000; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #000000;\" >\n";
	echo "<TR><TH>$QUESTION</TH></TR>\n";
	while (list($key, $val) = each($ANSWER))
		echo "<TR><TD align=\"left\"><INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"answer\"$disb VALUE=\"$key\"> $val</TD></TR>\n";
	echo "<TR><TD align=\"center\"><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"vote\" onClick=\"voteForm()\" VALUE=\" Vote \"" . $disb . "></TD></TR>\n";
	echo "<TR><TD align=\"center\"></form><form method=post action=\"" . $v_path . "poll.php\" target=_self name=vformb><input type=hidden name=v_path value=\"" . $v_path . "\" /><input type=hidden name=vresult value=1><INPUT TYPE=\"Submit\" NAME=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Current Results\" onClick=\"voteFormb();\">\n";
	echo "</TABLE></form>";

if (strlen($_GET['answer'])>0 || $_POST['vresult'])
echo "<body>";
if($ipf || $_POST['vresult'])
	$file_array = file($RESULT_FILE_NAME);
	$old_answer = $file_array[$_GET['answer']];
	$old_answer = preg_replace("/\n\r*/", "", $old_answer);
	$file_array[$_GET['answer']] = $old_answer . "\n";
		echo "<div align=center><b>Here are the current results:</b></div>";
		echo "<font color=red><div align=center><b>Sorry, you have already voted.</b></div></font>";
	if ($_GET['answer'] < count($ANSWER))
		$file_array = file($RESULT_FILE_NAME);
		$old_answer = $file_array[$_GET['answer']];
		$old_answer = preg_replace("/\n\r*/", "", $old_answer);
		$file_array[$_GET['answer']] = ($old_answer + 1)."\n";
		$fname=$v_path . "logger.txt";
		$fq = fopen($fname, "a++");
		fwrite($fq, "\n");
		fwrite($fq, $ip);
		$file = join('', $file_array);
		$fp = fopen($RESULT_FILE_NAME, "w");
		fwrite($fp, $file);
		echo "<div align=center>Vote saved.</div>";
		$file_array = file($RESULT_FILE_NAME);
		$old_answer = $file_array[$_GET['answer']];
		$old_answer = preg_replace("/\n\r*/", "", $old_answer);
		$file_array[$_GET['answer']] = ($old_answer + 1)."\n";
		echo "<font color=red><div align=center><b>The poll has been updated. Vote again.</b></div></font>";
while(list($key, $val) = each($file_array))
	$total += $val;
echo "<TABLE align=center border=1 borderColor=#000000 cellPadding=2 class=normaltext style=\"BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #000000; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #000000; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #000000; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #000000;\" width=95%>\n";
echo "<tr><th>Options</th><th>Percentage</th></tr>";
while(list($key, $val) = each($ANSWER))
	$percent = ($file_array[$key] > 0) ? $file_array[$key] * 100 / $total : 0;
	//avoid divisions by zero, especially for the PHP5 crowd
	$percent_int = floor($percent);
	$percent_float = number_format($percent, 1);
	$tp += $percent_float;
	echo "<tr><td> $ANSWER[$key] </td><td><table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width=100% border=0 background='" . $v_path . "images/white.gif'><tr><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
<td background='" . $v_path . "images/$color.gif' width=$percent_int% height=10 style=border:0 >
<spacer type=block width=2 height=8>
<td class=white width=91% height=10 style=border:0>
<spacer type=block width=2 height=8>
echo "</TABLE></body>";


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