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[SOLVED] HELP: nested tags?


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Hello @all,


I currently struggle with RegEx and got stuck in this little problem.


I have a sourcecode with nested tables and text between separated tables. I want to remove all tables, but all text, that is not within the tables should stay. I am using the preg_replace function (PCRE-function) to do this.  At the moment it's working with non-nested tables. But as soon there are nested tables it doesn't work properly.


Hope my explanation is understandable. Anybody out there who can help? I appreciate any suggestions ...


Thanks so much in advance!!


Well, to explain a bit more, here's some code:



$pattern = '{(<[ \\n\\r\\t]*(table)(>|[^>]*>))(.*?)(<[ \\n\\r\\t]*/[ \\n\\r\\t]*(\2)(>|[^>]*>))}is'
$replacement = '';
echo preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject);


And here is an example for the 'subject':


<h1>Some tables and text</h1>

This is a text between the tables wich should not be removed.
This is a text after the tables which should also not be removed.

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$html='<h1>Some tables and text</h1>

This is a text between the tables wich should not be removed.
echo $html;

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$test = '<h1>Some tables and text</h1>

This is a text between the tables wich should not be removed.
This is a text after the tables which should also not be removed.';
$out = '';
$start = 0;
$a = strpos($test, '<table');
$b = strpos($test, '</table');
$open_tag = 0;
while ($a !== false or $b !== false){
if ($a < $b and $a !== false){
	if ($open_tag == 0){
		$out .= substr($test, $start, $a - $start);
	$a = strpos($test, '<table', $a + 1);
} else {
	$start = strpos($test, '>', $b+1) + 1;
	$b = strpos($test, '</table', $start);
if ($open_tag) die('HTML error!');
$out .= substr($test, $start);
echo $out;

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thanks for all your help. I tried the solutions and both are working for me.  I really appreciate your help.


Using Regex is quite new for me and I don't understand the whole part of the first solution. The difficult part seems to be the one in parentheses:




Well, I recognized the atomic group, negative lookahead and that there is an alternation.


So what does the first alternation do? 


Am I right that it's matching everything, but looking first ahead if there is no opening or closing table-tag? And the atomic group keeps the match as a whole and can only be given back as a whole.



And the second alternation?


What is this doing? And to which part of the regex does this refer?



I would be really happy if you could give a short explanation, so that I understand to create such a pattern on my own the next time.


So thanks again for all the nice and fast help!

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A more common way of seeing that is with (?R) instead of (?0) although (?0) helps to illustrate that you could incorporate lookahead and lookbehind and use a capture group 1 as the nested pattern (?1).


A complete background is in Friedl's "Mastering Regular Expressions" but for a quick PHP regex syntax overview:



Search for "Recursive Patterns" on that page and you will see the discussion of the general pattern, although instead their example matches nested/non-nested parens groups.  It is simpler to construct a pattern with a single bounding character such as ( ) versus the table tags but the theory is the same.



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